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Viewing topic "Splits in performance."

Posted on: April 29, 2013 @ 09:41 AM
Total Posts:  686
Joined  10-14-2008
status: Guru

Ok .... I’m at work, away from my keys, and a programming thought popped in my head. 
I’ve been using the vycro mx editor to build performances.  I have some that use all 16 banks.

Question..  Can I set up multiple variations n a performance ?  Right now all ve done is
Assign single voices. To each part. 
Can I set up different splits or layers in different parts of the same performance?

Appreciate your help.  I’m typing this on an iPhone so apologies for errors.

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Posted on: April 29, 2013 @ 10:43 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

Not sure I follow the question, but this may help:

You can assign several PARTS to MIDI Channel 1, say you assign the first four PARTS to Ch 1, and you assign the next three to MIDI Channel 2, ... When you transmit on Channel [1] you will hear Parts 1-4 as you have split and layered them, and when select Channel 2 you will hear Parts 5, 6 and 7, as they have been mapped on the keyboard.

In this fashion you can group multiple sounds on MIDI channels, and then access them by transmitting on that MIDI CHANNEL.

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Posted on: May 07, 2013 @ 04:08 AM
Total Posts:  41
Joined  08-08-2008
status: Regular

I would call this a ‘hidden feature’ of the MX61/49!

You can easily split 16 parts (sounds) across the keyboard all with their own effects etc yet every article or video you see from Yamaha talks about simply ‘splitting’ or ‘doubling’ sounds which is very boring!

Combined with the software, this actually a very powerful synth.

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Posted on: May 07, 2013 @ 04:55 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

Excellent observation. One person’s boring ...

The quick access parameters are what you can get to from the front panel. This is what you see when you first approach the MX: Single, Layer, Split ... Add a Rhythm Pattern… This is, on it’s own powerful (you say boring) but still it has teeth.

The “hidden” stuff (Easter Eggs) is revealed when you connect the MX via a USB cable to a computer. This is the same engine as the big guys in many regards and if you are one that likes to dig in and tweak… It is going to be quite a trip. The product is far, far deeper than first glance. the Performance Editor is the first peek behind that curtain.

Not only can you create complex programs using all sixteen Parts, you can store them back to the hardware and take them with you!

And it’s just getting started!

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Posted on: May 16, 2013 @ 04:27 PM
Total Posts:  686
Joined  10-14-2008
status: Guru
Bad_Mister - 29 April 2013 10:43 AM

Not sure I follow the question, but this may help:

You can assign several PARTS to MIDI Channel 1, say you assign the first four PARTS to Ch 1, and you assign the next three to MIDI Channel 2, ... When you transmit on Channel [1] you will hear Parts 1-4 as you have split and layered them, and when select Channel 2 you will hear Parts 5, 6 and 7, as they have been mapped on the keyboard.

In this fashion you can group multiple sounds on MIDI channels, and then access them by transmitting on that MIDI CHANNEL.

Thanks BM.  I wasn’t that clear but I’ve set up a few performances with more or less favorite voices.  I pull up Perf 2 and if I press “part” all 16 parts are what I set up.  Perhaps 5guitars, 3 horns,etc… A voice Not necessarily corresponding to the bank name.

So my earlier question had to deal with each part (1-16) being able to be split?  I haven’t seen how with just using the keyboard.  I have vycro on a laptop but right now it’s dedicated to my xf. 

Setting up splits is a breeze otherwise.  I just wanted to see if/how I can do it in 1 or more parts within a performance

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Posted on: June 18, 2013 @ 05:50 AM
Total Posts:  198
Joined  11-23-2004
status: Pro
richie1027 - 16 May 2013 04:27 PM


Setting up splits is a breeze otherwise.  I just wanted to see if/how I can do it in 1 or more parts within a performance

I think what you want to do is use Note Ranges, which you can access with vycromx.  This way you can limit specific voices to specific note ranges on the keyboard. You can then “mix and match” by midi channel. So, for example, using channel 1 you can help a 3-part layer, where each part receives on all notes. And say on channel 2, you can have 3 other parts arranged so that each part plays in its own area on the keyboard, and so on

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