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sticky Sending a MIDI lyrics track from XS7 to iPad 5004 2 04/27/2022 07:02 AM by getnewrevi1
sticky Connecting M-Audio Midi Keyboard to Motif XS Editor… 5280 5 04/13/2022 10:42 AM by hobbit
sticky Can I migrate my Motif Classic songs to Motif… 3457 0 03/27/2022 03:34 AM by 9th Ward Records
sticky I’m back 5245 5 03/14/2022 06:23 PM by xsprt
sticky XS7 won’t play songs 4948 3 03/03/2022 07:46 PM by zpink
sticky Creating fills in arps/drum tracks 3332 0 02/23/2022 03:40 PM by Mulzac1301
sticky Receiving control messages through MIDI IN (Sustain,… 4555 1 02/21/2022 03:08 PM by linq
sticky How to mute audio output except for MIDI IN?… 4402 2 02/20/2022 11:08 PM by linq
sticky Motif XS7 - mlan16e2 - Macbook M1 MacOS 11, MacOS… 3185 0 02/16/2022 09:16 AM by martini
sticky Using MotifXS8 to controll DAW 3331 0 02/08/2022 01:02 PM by markmusic2
sticky More than One Voice 3635 0 12/08/2021 09:53 AM by braile
sticky NRPN MESSAGES 3597 0 11/29/2021 11:34 AM by marcexf
sticky Its posibil to use pedala bass Studiologic MP-117… 3757 0 11/21/2021 05:48 AM by Acalinei
sticky Sysex code for master number switch 5289 2 11/13/2021 08:44 AM by marcexf
sticky suddenly all songs reverted to auto tempo and… 3874 0 10/08/2021 11:41 AM by skybo
sticky XS7 Performances and MIDI Program Change 5562 2 09/30/2021 07:27 AM by moxs625
sticky Can CC11 be mapped in Protools to the XS? 7233 4 09/01/2021 12:42 AM by fengling
sticky Motif XS vs Motif XF??? 49751 18 08/28/2021 11:37 AM by dsetto
sticky Motif XS GUI interfered with Cubase 10.5 4027 0 08/23/2021 06:13 PM by grolux
sticky Loading ES voices into XS 15571 37 08/18/2021 09:48 AM by momolove
sticky Motif XS sounds out of tune 5406 1 08/11/2021 08:38 AM by moxs625
sticky How do you change the amplitude on a drum kit… 5428 2 08/09/2021 09:10 AM by lastmonk
sticky Can’t upload a MID file to XS7 6728 10 05/13/2021 12:23 PM by 5pinDIN
sticky Pattern mode issue 6238 1 05/11/2021 05:49 PM by GravitonBlue
sticky Setting up a performance 6205 1 04/25/2021 07:47 PM by 5pinDIN
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