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Viewing topic "►♫ Free Arp Management Software ♫◄"

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Posted on: April 16, 2016 @ 07:29 PM
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papaphoenix - 16 April 2016 10:26 AM

You’re welcome, i will share the information on Moessieurs this week-end for the new update, it will be link to your post here, i hope it bring you feedback and support ;)

Thank you for that - it would be nice to have other than Motifator members also be aware of the program.

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Posted on: April 16, 2016 @ 07:44 PM
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meatballfulton - 16 April 2016 05:54 PM

How old a Windows version can run this? I’m a Mac guy but have still working WinXP laptop lying around.

I mostly developed the program under XP, and it should run without problem on a Windows version as old as 2000.

Although in the Readme I stated 1024x768 minimum monitor resolution, I just ran it on Win 2k at 800x600. The bottom of a text window is slightly hidden by the taskbar at that res, but it can easily be repositioned or maximized.

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Posted on: April 16, 2016 @ 08:16 PM
Total Posts:  686
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I don’t want to detract from the meat of this post, namely 5PinDIN’s program, but it got me organizing my X3G files (7 total) and an opportunity to weed out ones I don’t use.  As a result of this thinning, I now have 180, with 45 slots left.

Wondering how you fellows develop your X3G (or X0G) files?  Homemade arps with the arp conversion job?  Use some from voice libraries (like Axxe).

Just curious.  Until I purchased my DAW I generally bought loop packages and did my with the proliferation of low cost waves, I’m going in a different direction.

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Posted on: April 17, 2016 @ 09:13 AM
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richie1027 - 16 April 2016 08:16 PM

I don’t want to detract from the meat of this post, namely 5PinDIN’s program, but it got me organizing my X3G files (7 total) and an opportunity to weed out ones I don’t use.  As a result of this thinning, I now have 180, with 45 slots left.

Assuming that I’m understanding the above…
XS and XF Arp (X0G/X3G) files (and “All” files) can contain a maximum of 256 Arps. If you’ve merged 180 Arps into one X3G file, that should leave room for up to 76 more.


richie1027 - 16 April 2016 08:16 PM

Wondering how you fellows develop your X3G (or X0G) files?  Homemade arps with the arp conversion job?  Use some from voice libraries (like Axxe).

I have Arps from commercial libraries, and I’ve created some of my own using Put Track To Arpeggio. The Arps-Plus program allows me to join commercial and/or “homemade” Arp files as needed, as long as the total number of Arps won’t exceed 256.

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Posted on: April 17, 2016 @ 11:32 AM
Total Posts:  686
Joined  10-14-2008
status: Guru

Ill double chk but my user arp is maxed out at 225.  Maybe I got the XE version instead of the XF?  I’m not at home now but will chk again

Yep.  Not sure why I thought 225 was the cutoff. 

8, 16, 32, 64, 128-----> 225?

Early dementia

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Posted on: April 17, 2016 @ 10:43 PM
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richie1027 - 17 April 2016 11:32 AM

Ill double chk but my user arp is maxed out at 225.  Maybe I got the XE version instead of the XF?  I’m not at home now but will chk again

Yep.  Not sure why I thought 225 was the cutoff. 

8, 16, 32, 64, 128-----> 225?

Early dementia

Unlikely it’s dementia, probably just a slight memory fault…
or so I keep telling myself.  ;-)

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Posted on: April 18, 2016 @ 04:22 PM
Total Posts:  154
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Many thanks for this 5pinDin, very generous of you
Kind regards

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Posted on: April 18, 2016 @ 07:01 PM
Total Posts:  31
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Hello, can you develop a version for Moxf (even John Melas software cannot merge arpeggios of Moxf).

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Posted on: April 19, 2016 @ 08:44 AM
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spike88 - 18 April 2016 04:22 PM

Many thanks for this 5pinDin, very generous of you
Kind regards

You’re welcome, Spike, and I appreciate your post.

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Posted on: April 19, 2016 @ 09:03 AM
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JeanGoncalves - 18 April 2016 07:01 PM

Hello, can you develop a version for Moxf (even John Melas software cannot merge arpeggios of Moxf).

I could try, but I’m at a bit of a disadvantage since Yamaha uses different file formats for various models and I don’t own a MOXF. With some help from Motifator members, I was able to figure out enough of the MOX format so that I could write my moX-TEXT program (

Perhaps with a sufficient number of X6G files, and X6A files containing Arps, I could determine what’s necessary for the MOXF.

By the way, since the MOXF is compatible with XF X3G files, if you have some they can be used with Arps-Plus and loaded to your MOXF.

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Posted on: April 19, 2016 @ 12:41 PM
Total Posts:  31
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status: Regular

Thank to your reply 5pinDIN.
I know this not easy.
If this can help, I join a zip with some X6G files.
If you want some other, let me know.

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Posted on: April 23, 2016 @ 09:35 AM
Total Posts:  126
Joined  10-22-2010
status: Pro

Hi 5pinDIN,

first of all thank you very much for developing such a great tool! I really appreciate all your efforts, especially your plan to dig into the MOXF Arpeggio format as well in order to see if it can be implemented. In general, I guess all MOXF users like me are always very grateful if someone like you - having much experience in coding - tries to close any gaps that appear whenever trying to make use of XF/XS/MOXF/MOX data across all of these different Motif series synthesizers.

As you already started this thread by mentioning Yamaha’s free XS promotion library “XSpand Your World” for the XS, I thought it might be a good idea to provide you the related “X6G” file which includes the same Arpeggio data - just converted to the native MOXF format (I had to zip it first in order to upload it here). Please refer to the attachment which I created a while ago using Melas Tools Suite (XS -> XF -> MOXF). Maybe a “1:1” comparison between the original XS Arpeggios and their converted “MOXF clones” may expose the general format differences you might be interested in for your further investigations.

Cheers and thanks again for your great efforts.

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Posted on: April 23, 2016 @ 11:04 AM
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Hi JeanGoncalves and B.Minor,

Thank you both for providing X6G files - I appreciate the effort. By examining them, I’ve already made some progress with deciphering the MOXF file format. My available time is somewhat limited right now, but I’ll continue to work on this project.

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Posted on: April 24, 2016 @ 03:07 PM
Total Posts:  31
Joined  10-25-2014
status: Regular

Hello 5pinDIN
With the help of your link on the structure of YSFC file format.
I found the folowing info on the structure of arpeggio on MOXF.
I write a small python script that work on my own *.X6G and *.X6A files.
My own files are version 1.0.4 and I have an extern .X6A version 1.0.3 file with arpeggio.
I give you my own comments from my pyhton script, as I have a very bad english this is in french.
I hope someone (like Moessieurs) can translate my comments for 5pinDIN, else I try to translate in another post, if you find this info useful.

Structure Arpèges:
A partir de l’entrée du catalogue (offset absolu 0x40) trouver l’entée catalogue DARP (4 octets), les 4 octets suivants sont l’offset absolu de l’entrée datas DARP
A cet offset, noté OD pour OffsetDARP on trouve la chaine ‘DARP’ suivi de la longueur totale des données d’arpèges, noté LA pour LenArpéges.

A la fin des données d’arpèges se trouve un tableau de 256 éléments de 8 octets. Structure :
4 octets : offset relatif au début de la liste chainée des données de l’arpège dans la liste chainée (description ci-après).
4 octets : taille des données (big endian) de l’arpège dans la liste chainée. Si taille = 0 pas de données d’arpèges (*)
On calcule l’offset du début du tableau : OD + LA + 8 - 256*8

(*) Il peut y avoir des trous dans la liste d’arpèges. (Ex : on peut créer sa première arpège avec le numéro 256)

Ce tableau est le point d’entrée de la liste d’arpèges :
Pour chaque élément du tableau (256 arpèges) on regarde si la taille est différente de 0
Si oui : on parcourt la liste chainée à partir de l’offset du début de l’arpège pour la taille donnée et on récupère les 6 octets d’un tableau (voir après) à l’ offset OD + 0x1C + (num_arp * 6) . Avec num_arp : 0..255

On trouve à l’offset OD + 0x1C un tableau de 256 éléments de 6 octets de structure suivante :
1 octet = 0. 1 octet = num d’arpège. 1 octet = 0. 1 octet = num d’arpège. 1 octet = catégorie d’arpège (FF = pas de type). 1 octet = sous catégorie d’arpège (FF = pas de sous type)

On trouve ensuite la liste chainée de chunks de structure suivante :
4 octets : Nom du chunk. 4 octets: taille des datas du chunk sur 4 octets (big endian) = nd. nd octets : datas du chunk.

Noms des chunks:
PHhd : début de l’arpège.
Structure des datas du chunk PHhd : 6 octets puis nom de l’arpège (ex :00.01.00.nb_tracks.01.e0.nom_de_l_arpege)
(nb) La taille de ce chunk est variable et la longueur du nom peut-être inférieure à 20 pour les arpèges provenant de librairie tierce.
ATrk : chunk de piste ( 1 à 4 chunk de piste pour 1 arpège)
ARPa : chunk global de l’arpège.
Structure des datas du chunk ARPa : 4 octets : len du nom (big endian). nom (offset 4) + reste des datas
TRKa : chunk provenant d’arpèges de librairie tierce. Signification inconnue
PHRa : chunk provenant d’arpèges de librairie tierce. Signification inconnue

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Posted on: April 24, 2016 @ 04:18 PM
Total Posts:  31
Joined  10-25-2014
status: Regular

I give you my study python script.
It is for programmer for understand the format of .X6G file.
It write nothing, just print info on console.
The syntax of call is :
py moxfArpeges
py moxfArpeges
You must have a python3 interpreter.

If you run the script inside a python3 interpreter, you may
call (after run) p1(n) interactive function with n= num arppegio for
print info on an arpeggio (chunk chain list).
pg1() print again info of catalogue of arppegio.

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