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Viewing topic "MM6 and time signature for patterns"

Posted on: February 10, 2009 @ 05:13 AM
Total Posts:  79
Joined  02-10-2009
status: Experienced

Hi I am a songwriter and my main instrument has been guitar however, I recently began a foray into writing on the piano and two months ago bought the mm6 which I have to say I absolutely love. I know it may not be “true” motif but for me it has been an incredible tool for my writing. My problem is that I wrote a song in 3/4 time and would love to use the patterns so that I can have access to the automated bass etc… when I change the time signature in the utility menu it shows 3/4 but when i press the pattern it is in 4/4. I scrolled through every pattern in the mm6 and they all default to 4/4. Please tell me I am doing something wrong and that it is possible to have the patterns play back in 3/4 or whatever time sig I happen to want? This would be a real bummer if it can’t and a huge oversight on Yamaha’s part. Thank you so much for responding and also thank you to this great forum. I have read many of the posts and they have been most helpful especially the one that provided the instrument definitions for Sonar. I implemented it with sonar 5 and it worked perfectly. So thank you again.

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Posted on: February 10, 2009 @ 10:21 AM
Total Posts:  163
Joined  02-27-2007
status: Pro

Re: MM6 and time signature for patterns

Sorry. You can’t do what you want to do AFAIK. The patterns are in 4/4, and they are not changable.

The only thing that changing the time signature does is change the metronome. Try it and you will see, the first beat is accented louder.

I believe that there is one empty space for importing a “style”. I’ve never done it. You might see if you are able to import one that is in 3/4.

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