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Joined 07-30-2002
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Re: MO6 Song Mode - set tempo from Studio Connections?
If you are in SONG mode on a MO, the TEMPO of the Tempo Cross Delay will be derived from the MO’s clock.
If you are in SONG mode simply set the Tempo of the sequencer to the tempo you desire, the Tempo Cross Delay will reference this tempo and will generate its delays from this setting. Since it uses quarter notes, eight notes, sixteenth notes, and/or dotted values, and/or triplet values - they will be based on the MO clock.
The MO has only one clock and all tempos (both the effects and the Arpeggios) are based on it and will automatically slave to it.
If you set the MO to External Clock (meaning MIDI) then the Tempo of the Effects (Tempo Effects) and the Arpeggio are automatically slaved to the external tempo. They must be receiving MIDI clock in order to reference it. If no clock is being sent then the Effects will simply play at the last tempo, and the arpeggios will not start.
You do not mention what version of Cubase you are using… but, for example, if you are using a newer version of Cubase series 4 or later… you will find under TRANSPORT > PROJECT SYNCHRONIZATION SETUP > MIDI CLOCK OUT > a parameter that will allow you send MIDI clock to the port feeding your MO and a parameter that will send the MIDI clock even if the Cubase Transport is in Stop mode.
Typically, MIDI clock is only sent when the Cubase Transport is actually running. If you had started Cubase (pressed play) you would’ve recognize that the Tempo Delays would have picked up on the Clock (if you have MIDI SYNC = MIDI). By checking the Cubase parameter “Send MIDI Clock in STOP Mode” you will be able to try out your Tempo Delays without having to have the Transport actually running.
It is also assumed, that if you are using Studio Connections (by which you mean the Studio Manager and the MO Editors) that you are working with a computer sequencer… so the clock (tempo) would quite naturally be set in the computer sequencer.
If you are using the Editor and not using an external sequencer then recognize that the Multi-Part Editor (edits the tone generator of the MO, i.e, parameter found in MIXING), not the sequencer (i.e., parameters found in SONG).
The Effects which are a part of the tone generator will derive their tempo from the sequencer i.e., SONG Mode setting.
Hope that helps.