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Viewing topic "How do I set a Midi CC for my (wind) controller ?"

Posted on: February 06, 2009 @ 06:06 PM
Total Posts:  25
Joined  07-24-2008
status: Regular

I play EWI4000s and I want to set the Motif to receive voice data and apply it to a few parameters. Is there away I can do this globally so that if the Motif receives breath(channel pressure/mono aftertouch) that it will automatically apply this to the parameters into any patch I select.

I’d like to route cc#2 to volume/velocity, resonance, and a few others. Is this possible on a global level? Thanks.

Any windsynth Rackers out there, feel free to email me anything related to how you use the Motif Rack Xs with your wind synth

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Posted on: February 10, 2009 @ 07:47 PM
Total Posts:  25
Joined  07-24-2008
status: Regular

Re: How do I set a Midi CC for my (wind) controlle

I found how to go into sound manager and set breath data to different parameters but how do you get it to respond to the drastic volume/velocity between 1 and 127. It responds but if I play a note loud, I can make it soft but not loud again. Likewise, I can’t go from a soft sound to a loud sound using breaht data.

So I can hear a difference if I start at a low volume playing a series of notes and increase in volume as I move to the end of the notes (crescendo). I can hear a great difference between my starting volume and my ending volume.

My issue is if I hold a single note and start soft, I can’t make the note crescendo into a loud note and vice versa, start loud and end soft on a single note. Anyone have an idea about how to accomplish this ?

For those not sure about breath data, imagine you were trying to do this with a mod wheel. Any suggestions ?

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