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Total Posts: 11
Joined 02-02-2009 status: Regular |
Hey there, hope things are well. I just recieved my motif xs rack. Incredible tone machine!! ( cubase 4, emu 1212m, PC) I have one newbie concern. When I first setup xs within cubase using the editor I intially setup autosyc using ‘an example of the motif rack xs editor in use’diagram from the editor manual which is on page 6. I then pressed start to execute this, it took awhile. I then looked at page 6 again and noticed the cautions underneath saying that data transfer could erase data from my XS. I am worried I have wiped some data from my XS or is it only if I go into the data sync window that this would happen. Also I have a number of voices that don’t have all 5 arpeggio presets, I know I can set them myself and that they are spectacular but is the machine meant to have 5 preset arpeggios for each voice or only some. Hope to hear from you, I am already writing two new songs 100% inspired by the XS, I have even put down the fender to lay some guitar trax with my midi keyboard! ( sacrilege!)THANKS! |
Total Posts: 23
Joined 11-12-2008 status: Regular |
Re: Newbie setup for autosync
Quote; ‘I have even put down the fender to lay some guitar trax with my midi keyboard! ( sacrilege!)’
Total Posts: 568
Joined 01-13-2004 status: Guru |
Re: Newbie setup for autosync
Ok, I’ve only had mine for a day, but here’s how I see it.
Total Posts: 36620
Joined 07-30-2002 status: Legend |
Re: Newbie setup for autosync
Maybe this will help.