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Viewing topic "Some insert effects don’t work in performance mode"

Posted on: February 05, 2009 @ 12:20 AM
Total Posts:  16
Joined  06-30-2004
status: Regular

Hello everybody:
I have a MOTIF ES7 and I’m very happy with it. Now, I’ve a doubt. Is it possible some insert effects in voice mode don’t work propertly in performance mode?. For instance, the voice Talk Box has 2 insert effects (talking mod + enhanced). If I use this voice in a performance I can hear the insert effect but it doen’s work in the same way that in the voice, above all the talking mod effect. And I realise that this happens with other insert effects.
Am I doing something wrong in performance mode or simply this’s a feature of the MOTIF?
Of course, in performance mode I’ve activated (on position) the insert effect switch.

Thank in advance.

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Posted on: February 05, 2009 @ 05:41 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: Some insert effects don’t work in performance mode

Am I doing something wrong in performance mode or simply this’s a feature of the MOTIF?

Most likely you are forgetting to copy some portion of the Voice to the Performance. What you need to COPY is the System Effects (Reverb and Chorus), the Arpeggio, and finall you must set the Reverb Send amount and Chorus Send amount to get the same feeling from the effects.

Voices will tend to sound different in a Performance because it is the same as a single musician will sound different when you change the room they are in. First, a Performance will accommodate up to four Voices - so naturally, the Volume of the individual Voice will be reduced so that a Performance can easly hold four.

When you place a VOICE in a Performance, the Insertion Effects will be activated, but that is not all that is going on in this Voice. The System Effects are no automatically brought along (as a musician does not bring their home practice room to the gig)…

I was able to duplicated this VOICE in a PERFORMANCE with no difference:
First start with an initialized Performance so you are not inheriting any data.
Go to [PERFORM] mode
Press [JOB]
Press [F1] INIT
Press [ENTER] / [YES] to execute

Change the VOICE to the PRE 4: (051) Talk Box
Now you can go about copying in the other data and setting the parameters that give this Voice it unique character.

Press [JOB]
Press [F3] COPY
Set the parameters so that

x REV ___ x CHO

This will Copy the System Effects and the routing between them to the current VOICE> (But it will not copy the send amount - we will deal with that last).
Press [ENTER] to execute

Next you want to Copy the Arpeggio .
Set the parameters so that:


Press [ENTER] to execute

Finally, navigate to the EFFECT SEND screen
Press [EDIT]
Press Track Select [1] to view PART 1 parameters
Press [F2] OUTPUT
Press [SF2] EFF SEND
Set the REVERB SEND = 42 (same as in the Voice)
Set the CHORUS SEND = 32 (same as in the Voice)

Press [SF1] LEVEL/PAN set to taste - as you may want to combine this with other Voices so this setting is subjective.

Hope that helps.

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Posted on: February 06, 2009 @ 07:01 AM
Total Posts:  16
Joined  06-30-2004
status: Regular

Re: Some insert effects don’t work in performance mode

The arpeggio was the trick. Thanks a lot!!

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