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Viewing topic "saving sound from PLG AN editor to motif es"

Posted on: February 04, 2009 @ 02:24 AM
Total Posts:  59
Joined  01-18-2006
status: Experienced

I tweekd a sound from the AN editor and assign some controllers like ribbon,AS1 AS2 even PB +12 to -12.
but when im saving it to motif es and exit the editor the sound is diffrent and the controlls dont work as i programmed them.!
can motif es save those soundes that i created on editor with is controller assignments?

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Posted on: February 04, 2009 @ 05:21 AM
Total Posts:  3022
Joined  01-25-2005
status: Guru

Re: saving sound from PLG AN editor to motif es

Patch editing occurs in a temporary buffer, that’s why you are losing your edits.

You need to download the patch to the AN card and then save the plugin data to SM card or USB storage.

If you have no idea how to do this, let us know.

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Posted on: February 04, 2009 @ 05:29 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: saving sound from PLG AN editor to motif es

Well, yes of course, it can be saved and recalled. But it is not clear from your post exactly what you did… so it will be difficult to tell you where specifically you went wrong.

The AN Expert Editor creates the custom AN sound that can be bulked to the PLG150-AN bank 036/002. Edits you make to the analog engine can be saved in an AN Expert Editor file (.ANS) and can be restored to the PLG150-AN by the AN Expert Editor…

This data can also be stored to a USB Drive or SmartMedia card using the File Type = “PluginAllBulkX”, where X is the Slot number containing your PLG150-AN board. This will be saved to your drive as a .W2B/.W3B file (a BULK file)… The PluginAllBulk type file is convenient as you don’t need to be near a computer to restore its information to the PLG150-AN’s volatile RAM Bank: 036/002

In either case, the AN sounds must be restored to Bank 036/002 in a separate operation. These AN “Board Voices” can be combined with your Motif ES controller and effect parameters and turned into what is referred to as Motif ES “Plugin Voices"… A Plugin Voice is a Motif ES Voice that access a PLG Board Voices as its Element.

Instead of pointing to a digital sample, the Plugin Voice points to a Board Voice on a PLG150 Board (in this case the PLG150-AN).

The Plugin Voices that you create will be stored to a specific bank “PLGxUSR”, where x is the slot number of your PLG150-AN.

For example, if your PLG150-AN is in slot 1, the bank called PLG1USR will contain your Motif ES Plugin Voices.

You select Banks on a PLG Board by pressing [F2] BANK from the main VOICE screen. Use the Data Wheel to select the Bank.

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Posted on: February 05, 2009 @ 02:54 PM
Total Posts:  59
Joined  01-18-2006
status: Experienced

Re: saving sound from PLG AN editor to motif es

i saved it to motif es after transmiting bulk from editor to motif and getting it at 036/002 bank. any way it was not exacly the same coz i had to tweek the motif FX EQ and PB control. but at least i got the raw sound and controler functioning. then i saved it to plg user voice /forums/images/icons/smile.gif alt=
now i understand that i have to save the voice and the bulk banks to restore it.

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Posted on: February 06, 2009 @ 07:34 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: saving sound from PLG AN editor to motif es

You can save sets of Auto Load files that will restore your data automatically.

This is outlined below (from a previous post on the subject)

Autoload multiple files?
Say your PLG150-AN Board is in slot 3 (for this example):

You save your .W2B file through the File TYPE = “PluginAllBulk3

If you name that file, literally, “AUTOLD3.W2B” ...and place it in the same directory as your Motif ES “AUTOLOAD.W7A” (ALL) file, when you power up your Motif ES it will dutifully load both your Motif ES Voices and your custom Board Voices to your PLG150-AN bank 36/02.

Cool, huh?

AUTOLD1.W2B for slot 1
AUTOLD2.W2B for slot 2
AUTOLD3.W2B for slot 3

I have a DX Board, VL Board and AN Board in my three slots, respectively. In my root directory I have 4 autoload files, as follows:

AUTOLOAD.W7A loads my Motif ES USER VOICES, Performances, Songs, Patterns, Samples, etc., etc.
AUTOLD1.W2B for my custom DX 35/00
AUTOLD2.W2B for my custom VL 33/02
AUTOLD3.W2B for my custom AN 36/02

As long as all the files are in the same Directory (root directory or in the same FOLDER), you can direct the Motif ES, S90 ES, Motif to find the files and automatically load them on power up. Say you have them all in the root directory - you would then set the AUTOLOAD routine to look in the root directory to find them:

Press [FILE]
Press [F1] CONFIG
Select the Drive: CARD or USB containing your auto load files.
Press [F3] LOAD
Set the Load File Type = ALL
Find your AUTOLOAD.W7A file (but do not load it)
Immediately press [UTILITY]
Press [F1] GENERAL
Press [SF4] OTHER
Turn AutoLoad = ON
Press [SF5] GET
The unit will now register that you targeted the root directory of the specified drive for the autoload files. (CARD: root) or (USB: root)
And now the step that most forget:
Press [STORE] to lock in your UTILITY mode settings. This writes the data to Flash ROM and makes it permanent so that when you power up next time it remembers to go and look for the files.

Now when you next power up you will have the unit load all of your Autoload files.

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Posted on: February 06, 2009 @ 08:35 AM
Total Posts:  59
Joined  01-18-2006
status: Experienced

Re: saving sound from PLG AN editor to motif es


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