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Viewing topic "S90 Master mode sorting"

Posted on: February 04, 2009 @ 12:45 AM
Total Posts:  2
Joined  03-28-2008
status: Newcomer

Hi all, it’s been a while since I’ve been here /forums/images/icons/smile.gif alt=

I use my S90 as a master keyboard where I store my band’s playlist. My patches in master mode are named after each song. This allows me to follow the playlist and change between sounds really fast.

However, the playlist usually changes for each gig, new songs are added, order is somewhat changed and this is a pain because the S90 doesn’t allow you to change the order of the patches.

I currently keep a list from all songs in the banks E-H and copy the songs using STORE in the right order before each gig. This takes up to an hour of preparations…

I’m looking for a solution for this. So far I’ve tried saving the banks to a flash card altering the file on my computer. No luck so far. Does anyone happen to have experience with this ? or maybe another way to do this ?

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