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Total Posts: 2
Joined 05-17-2006 status: Newcomer |
I’m sure I posted this yesterday YUK. Rack working perfectly from Cubase 4 and Yamaha KX 61 that is to say selecting patches and sound. My problem is if I press the Arp Button on the rack or select a pre-user set with an arp on it I get no sound at all.
Total Posts: 844
Joined 09-16-2005 status: Guru |
Re: No sound when Arp button pressed
No, you’re not being stupid, and you’re right… it’s usually very simple. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif alt=
Total Posts: 2
Joined 05-17-2006 status: Newcomer |
Re: No sound when Arp button pressed
Thanks so much Tony you were right on the first count. Interestingly when I record the midi track in Cubase it does not record the arpeggio. Benefit of using the Yamaha KX61 is that when you select a voice and then an Arp on the keyboard it records the midi events in the track.
Total Posts: 844
Joined 09-16-2005 status: Guru |
Re: No sound when Arp button pressed
On the MO-RACK, if you have MIDI SYNC set to MIDI, then you must provide the Clock (which is what MIDI SYNC is referring to) from the MIDI source. In your case, the source would be Cubase.
Total Posts: 36620
Joined 07-30-2002 status: Legend |
Re: No sound when Arp button pressed
The Motif-Rack ES does not send its arpeggio data out via MIDI unless you turn the ARP OUT SWITCH to ON and then select a MIDI channel on which to send that information out.