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Viewing topic "Odd MIDI Behavior - Help Please"

Posted on: January 19, 2009 @ 10:09 AM
Total Posts:  250
Joined  03-31-2006
status: Enthusiast

I posted this question over on the Sonar Forum and got no takers.  Apparently just a lot of head scratching so I am going to give it a try here. 

I am recording MIDI data from a MOES7 into a DAW running Sonar 6PE.  I noticed that every time I started to record some MIDI data I would get a bunch of control change data inserted just before my other MIDI data. Specifically I would get CC#64-Pedal(sustain) and CC#66-Pedal (sostenuto) events for each channel 1 through 16 on the track I was recording. I had set the MIDI Sync output port to the same MIDI port I was recording on but when I unchecked this box, I no longer got the CC messages. Does anybody have an idea what is going on here? This seems very odd to me.

thanks, msr

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Posted on: January 20, 2009 @ 05:42 AM
Total Posts:  844
Joined  09-16-2005
status: Guru

Re: Odd MIDI Behavior - Help Please

Couple of questions:  Are the CC’s you receive at least CORRECT?  (Ie, are they turning SUSTAIN and SOSTENUTO OFF [I’m assuming you start recording without those pedals being pressed...])

Who is the Master?  The ES7, or Cakewalk?

What do you have SeqCtrl set to?

What do you mean by “MIDI Sync Output Port?”

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Posted on: January 20, 2009 @ 10:19 AM
Total Posts:  250
Joined  03-31-2006
status: Enthusiast

Re: Odd MIDI Behavior - Help Please


thanks for the reply.  I’m not in front of my keyboard now, but I’ll try and answer all of your questions best I can.

First off, I can’t really tell if the sustain or sostenuto are on or off since they are changed so quickly.  Nothing seems to be sticking and I am not pressing any pedals or controllers at the time.  It just seems to happen on its own and sequentially on each MIDI channel 1 through 16.  Now for your other questions:

Q:  Who is the Master? The ES7, or Cakewalk?
A:  When I am recording MIDI data in Sonar, I am just using the MOES as a MIDI event generator.  So, although I am in song mode, I am not slaving the MOES to Sonar.  However, the recording is all being done in Sonar.

Q:  What do you have SeqCtrl set to?
A:  Since I am not running under a Master/Slave status, I have the SeqCtrl set to the default (I think it is In/Out)

Q:  What do you mean by “MIDI Sync Output Port?”
A:  This is a setting within Sonar under the Options-Project-MIDI tab.  Here you check the MIDI device that you want to send the MIDI sync signal through.  Given that I am not technically sync-ing the MOES to Sonar, I am not sure why this would matter either way.

Hope I answered your questions.


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Posted on: January 21, 2009 @ 08:02 AM
Total Posts:  844
Joined  09-16-2005
status: Guru

Re: Odd MIDI Behavior - Help Please

I guess I misunderstood; I assumed you were transferring from the MO SEQUENCER to Sonar.  In this case, someone HAS to be the master for the TEMPO to be synced.

So, you’re saying if there’s no SYNC signal being sent to the MOES, that it does NOT send the CC data?

My guess is, when it’s in SYNC, the MO is sending the sequencer all the relevent CC data so it can be recorded; a sort of RESET protocol.

One of my MIDI controllers does this if I press a SNAPSHOT button; it forwards ALL of the sliders’ / pots’ / buttons’ position data so that they can be recorded to initialize all the controllers in the track.

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Posted on: January 21, 2009 @ 09:53 AM
Total Posts:  250
Joined  03-31-2006
status: Enthusiast

Re: Odd MIDI Behavior - Help Please

Thanks Tony.  I guess that’s as good a guess as any.  It’s just an irritating little quirk when you don’t realize all that extra data is being recorded to a MIDI track.  The extra data results in MIDI hiccups and then you have to go in and manually delete all the extra data to avoid it.


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Posted on: January 22, 2009 @ 06:46 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: Odd MIDI Behavior - Help Please

Some sequencers send a Zero all controllers message anytime you hit the stop button… not sure about your specific problem (and I’m no expert on Sonar, to be sure) but you may want to check if there is some kind of Project or Global Option that is telling the sequencer to insert these commands or they are some how echoing back into Sonar and getting recorded.

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