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Viewing topic "My take on MM6 and why I bought one"

Posted on: January 11, 2009 @ 01:52 PM
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Joined  12-26-2008
status: Newcomer

Hey all! I just wanted to thank everyone here for posting the good and bad on the MM6. After reading these post I bought one Dec. 26th and have gigged with it since.

I currently use an Alesis 7.1 Alesis Ion and Korg Karma live. All of these synths are completely programable, the Karma has a full sequencer and they all have lots of nice sounds. But...for me, I was looking for more realistic sounds. The piano in the 7.1 is just passable. I don’t like the Korg piano at all.

In walks MM6. The piano tho not a motif (don’t I wish) is much better than these other boards. And when layered with them sounds so much better. The sweetness piano and mega voice sounds put it over the top. I was s/w shaken by the midi issues but the work-around found on this forum has proven a fair compromise. So for me the MM6 is ok as a preset sound only board. I have everything thats missing from MM6 in the other boards.

I hope others don’t dismiss this board too quickly. It has its place even with more “experienced” users like me. Thanks again for everyones help.

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Posted on: January 31, 2009 @ 08:39 PM
Total Posts:  112
Joined  06-15-2007
status: Pro

Re: My take on MM6 and why I bought one

I know what you mean - I think it’s an amazing keyboard for the money ($599 Canadian) I owned a Motif ES, but felt it had too confusing an interface for doing simple things...if I wanted to change the rate of an effect I would get completely lost!  It was nice having all of those sounds, but for me there were too many options. 

The MM6 suits me well - a great sounding keyboard for simply playing, and I realize that’s what I love to do - Play!  Plus, I love the preset Wurlitzer electric pianos on the MM6 over the ES.

I see a lot of bad comments on this site about the MM8, but it looks really appealing to me.  Where else can one get an 88 key weighted action keyboard for $400 CAD? ($599 MM6 + $400 = $999 CAD price for MM8) I love the feel of the MM8 when I try it out, and the keyboard action makes the piano sounds feel majestic!  Of course I would love to see the MM8 sell for $799, but I don’t think $999 is an unreasonable price. I would easily trade the MM6 in towards an MM8 if I could get a decent trade-in price for it.

Love all of the Yamaha products and sounds, by the way! Spent quite a few years with Korg and, after owning a few Yamaha synths, had quite an ear-opening experience!

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