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Viewing topic "how do i get an audio file from the MO8"

Posted on: January 08, 2009 @ 07:41 PM
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Joined  01-08-2009
status: Newcomer

sooo i have an MO8 and i recently recorded a song on it. i loaded it onto a flash drive and then i went to go and try to load it to my music profile on myspace. and it said “not an audio file” i looked back at it and i saw that the file is a .w7s...i’m just wondering how i can convert that to any form of an audio file.

thanks /forums/images/icons/smile.gif alt=

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Posted on: January 08, 2009 @ 11:24 PM
Total Posts:  9999
Joined  08-18-2003
status: Guru

Re: how do i get an audio file from the MO8

An audio file is (e.g.) *.wav

A MO8 has no DIMM memory option, so you can not record a Song
into sound internally.

Two options:
1) record the audio directly into your computer or audio recorder.
For the PC I suggest the program AUDACITY (free).
2) use a sequencer program in the PC, e.g. Cubase.


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Posted on: January 09, 2009 @ 07:43 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: how do i get an audio file from the MO8

Correct. An audio file (to computers) are those that record the audio output of a device and come in formats like .wav, aiff, mp3, .wma etc.

If you have created a sequence on the MO, there is no file format that you can save that will playback on a computer. A computer, as sophisticated as it is, is not a MO. So you have several options to create the type of data you can post online.

The Motif ES or XS would allow you to expand them with sample RAM - this allows those modes to create .wav or aiff file types that can be directly posted in your “myspace"… But you have a MO, the files that the MO creates can only be read by another MO.

Your options:
You can record the audio outputs of your MO to a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software, like CubaseAI. This requires you have some type of computer audio interface (like the Yamaha AudioGram3 . Because you must get the audio outputs of the MO to connect to your computer. The DAW software can create audio files. (.wav or aiff) which can then be (downsized) converted to mp3.

You can record the audio output of your MO to a handheld recorder like the Yamaha Pocketrak2G or PocketrakCX . These can create either the full fidelity wav file via microphone or you can record directly to mp3 format (the proper size format for posting on a website).

Either way with a small investment you will be able to add this functionality. We have several threads on Motifator about creating audio files for CD and mp3s for posting on websites.

in general a “wav” (a Windows audio format) or aiff (a Mac audio format) file which is full fidelity CD quality, would generate about 10MB of data per (stereo) minute. So when I talked about “downsizing” the data, that is where formats like mp3 are commonly used. Because posting a 5 minute song as a .wav or aiff can be a burden on most systems… the much smaller (data compressed) MP3 file format is just perfect. It does not sound as good, but in reality it is much more convenient for extremely slow computers we deal with here in the 21st Century. (So day soon, hopefully, music data sizes will not be a problem for computers - but we have to remember that we are still very early in the age of computers… and nothing makes demands on computers like music).

There are examples of this data here (these were done with the Motif XS, the first via Cubase AI4 > wav > mp3; and the second recorded from the Motif XS > Pocketrak): MP3 examples

Hope that helps.

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Posted on: January 14, 2009 @ 09:34 AM
Total Posts:  3
Joined  03-10-2008
status: Newcomer

Re: how do i get an audio file from the MO8

Can I get some help, too?  I’m too dumb to figure out how to use a DAW, so I’m trying to use Audacity.  I just want to record my song (or even hear it played)—that’s all.  Can you please explain how to use my MO6 with Audacity?

If I press the record button in Audacity, I get “Error while opening sound device.  Please check the input device settings and the project sample rate.” What am I doing wrong?  The synthesizer is plugged in.  I’m so lost.

Do I need to use a microphone?  If so, I have a Samson mic all set up.

I have Windows Vista 64-bit and I installed the Yamaha MIDI USB driver and Studio Manager.

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Posted on: February 04, 2009 @ 01:46 AM
Total Posts:  57
Joined  09-22-2008
status: Experienced

Re: how do i get an audio file from the MO8

you need a corect sound card...with ASIO 2 drivers…

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Posted on: February 04, 2009 @ 04:45 AM
Total Posts:  9999
Joined  08-18-2003
status: Guru

Re: how do i get an audio file from the MO8

Scanbot, please no microphone. Spoils all sound quality.

Buy a Creative external USB card, is understood by Windows and AUDACITY.


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