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Joined 11-19-2008
status: Newcomer
Hello guys,
I’m from Belgium and I bought yesterday a Motif Rack XS. Sounds are great but I have some questions using the multisection.
I can change a multipreset for use in our group. However when a select a voice in de multimode this voice does not sound the same as in the voice-mode. The option in the multimenu edit/FX send/Ins Effect Sw is set to on. So normaly the motif shouf use the correct inserteffects. I already found out that the motif does not take over the chorus and reverbsettings from the orginal voice in voicemode. So i manualy adjust these setting af checking them in voicemode.
I don’t think this is the way of using the multimode and i think i’m doing something wrong. What i wanna do is use the rack during a live gig with two or three voices on the same time on a different zone on my masterkeyboard. Programming the different zones in no problem!