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Viewing topic "yamaha n12 vs n8 vs rme fireface…plus more…"

Posted on: November 07, 2008 @ 06:26 PM
Total Posts:  943
Joined  07-11-2006
status: Guru

which is better and why? especially A/D conversion

rme is 192 khz max, and nseries is 96khz, but seriously who would use 192khz??
please give me honest answers. i would like to know from those peeps who had both so they can tell me which sounds bigger and warmer.

yamaha n8 has a few specs different from the n12 (max voltage gain that can be applied to n12 outputs differ from those for n8) 84/50db vs 76/42db for comparative outputs (n12 vs n8)...does this mean n12 is better? ( i don’t need 5.1 surround on the n12)…

if you look on the rear of the n8/12, you see only the last 2 channels (actually 2 dual-channels) are stereo channels, the rest are all mono...say if i have several synths, and i need all the 12 inputs on the mixer, and i am using L and R outputs from 1 synth to input B and insert I/O on channel 1, does that act like a stereo channel? i doubt it, because it is a mono channel....what is the differrence between ‘input B’ and ‘insert I/O’...they are both 1/4” jacks!

last question, if i want to use channel 1 and 2 as two separate inputs from the same synth (L for 1 and R for 2), how can i ‘lock’ the faders of the 2 channels (like i can on my m-audio firewire interface), so i can adjust the volume equally as one could on a stereo channel?

any help from the forum members or mr badmister would be greatly triple appreciated!!!

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Posted on: November 09, 2008 @ 10:45 AM
Total Posts:  837
Joined  01-29-2007
status: Guru

Re: yamaha n12 vs n8 vs rme more..

if you look on the rear of the n8/12, you see only the last 2 channels (actually 2 dual-channels) are stereo channels, the rest are all mono...say if i have several synths, and i need all the 12 inputs on the mixer, and i am using L and R outputs from 1 synth to input B and insert I/O on channel 1, does that act like a stereo channel? i doubt it, because it is a mono channel....what is the differrence between ‘input B’ and ‘insert I/O’...they are both 1/4” jacks!

You can plug Left channel of a Synth to, say Channel 1 of n12. Pan it hard left. Then plug in Right channel of the synth to Channel 2, and pan it hard right.
In Cubase “ VST Connections “ you can setup a stereo channel using Channel 1 as L and Channel 2 as R “

last question, if i want to use channel 1 and 2 as two separate inputs from the same synth (L for 1 and R for 2), how can i ‘lock’ the faders of the 2 channels (like i can on my m-audio firewire interface), so i can adjust the volume equally as one could on a stereo channel?

For that to happen, you need Motorized faders. Unfortunately thats not on offer with the n series. If you can live without Automation on the console, n series will work really good for you.

As the name suggests, n - series is for i N tegration, while O series ( O1x ) is for Aut O mation.

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Posted on: January 04, 2009 @ 08:24 AM
Total Posts:  1037
Joined  11-14-2004
status: Guru

Re: yamaha n12 vs n8 vs rme more..


Nice response to Keller’s question! I am actually doing mixing tutorials and I just stumbled across this. Thanks!

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