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Viewing topic "Changing Voices Smoothly In Live Play"

Posted on: July 11, 2008 @ 06:18 AM
Total Posts:  11
Joined  07-11-2008
status: Regular

I often will go back and forth between 2 or more voices during a song in a live situation. Say for example Pad and Organ. I want to be able to hold out the pad (even with a pedal), switch to the organ sound (while holding out the pad), and then lift off the keys and begin playing the organ sound. This way there is no (or VERY LITTLE) break in the music. My previous Kurzweil PC1x even did that.

So far, every time I try begin to change voices it stops all sound output and I’m unable to change voices smoothly. Is there any way around this?

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Posted on: July 11, 2008 @ 06:35 AM
Total Posts:  3345
Joined  01-18-2003
status: Guru

Re: Changing Voices Smoothly In Live Play

The way “I” accomplish is by placing whatever Voices I want to scroll through during the course of a song live is placing the necessary voices in a Pattern Mix. What’s kind of cool is that you can place up to 16 Voices in the Mix and call them up on the fly and not get an interruption (not an abrupt one anyway). I have even included a Performance in a couple of my Mixes.

In the future when you post, include just which keyboard you have.
Just a thought.......

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Posted on: July 11, 2008 @ 06:45 AM
Total Posts:  11
Joined  07-11-2008
status: Regular

Re: Changing Voices Smoothly In Live Play

Thanks Dukester. I have the MO8 (which is what I’m referring to in this post) and also the XS8. I got both of them THIS WEEK… so I’m very much a beginner with this particular equipment. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif alt=

With that said, please forgive my lack of knowledge!!!—I’m not sure how to make a pattern mix like you’re describing. Help?

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Posted on: July 11, 2008 @ 07:28 AM
Total Posts:  169
Joined  04-03-2007
status: Pro

Re: Changing Voices Smoothly In Live Play

Hi Sir,is there a way to switch from one performance to another seamlessly??and if so how??


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Posted on: July 11, 2008 @ 07:39 AM
Total Posts:  3345
Joined  01-18-2003
status: Guru

Re: Changing Voices Smoothly In Live Play

The same thing. You have an ES. You can place two Performances in a Pattern Mix. You can have one Performance in Parts 1-4, that are assigned to the same MIDI channel and then another Performance 5-8 assigned to another MIDI channel (channel 5).

Now the way “I” work, I have my ES MIDI’d “IN” from my S80. My ES Recieves on Channel 1. When I go to my “other Performance” (Channel 5) I have to go “to” the ES to play it physically. I’m sure there is a way to do a Program Change so that I don’t have to do that but haven’t figured it out yet. Still, the most “seamless"way to go from one Performance of Voice to another is from a Pattern Mix.
Hope this helps.....

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Posted on: July 11, 2008 @ 07:57 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: Changing Voices Smoothly In Live Play

Not in PERFORMANCE mode. But with a little ingenuity you can accomplish what you need to by using the MIXING > JOB called PF COPY (Performance Copy).

This will be true on the MO, the ES and the XS, with varying concessions.

PF COPY or PERFORMANCE COPY allows you to take the up to 4 PARTS of a PERFORMANCE and bring them into a SONG MIXING or PATTERN MIXING program.

You select the attributes you want to have applied and execute… The PARTS of the PERFORMANCE are assigned to the MIXING program and are assigned to the basic MIDI Receive Channel (typically channel 1). This allows you to play them all simultaneously when Track Select [1] is illuminated.

On the MO and the Motif ES, you would then use the TRACK > JOB called EXCHANGE TRACKS to swap:
Track 1 with Track 5
Track 2 with Track 6
Track 3 with Track 7
Track 4 with Track 8

Now you can use PF COPY again to Copy in your second Performance to PARTS 1-4…

On the Motif XS since this was the workaround on the Motif ES (and MO), you can now simply direct the PERFORMANCE COPY function to PARTS 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, or 13-16 as necessary to copy multiple PARTS of a Performance to a MIX. (ie, on the XS there is no need to use the TRACK EXCHANGE Job)

In this manner you can have up to four PERFORMANCES in a MIX - with (as I mentioned some concessions). As in PERFORMANCE mode all PARTS share the System Effects - so all the PARTS of a MIXING will share the System Effects.

On the MO you only have 3 PARTS that can recall their Dual Insertion Effects
On the Motif ES and Motif XS you have 8 PARTS that can recall their Dual Insertion Effects.

On the MO and Motif ES you have only one 1 arpeggiator so if each PERFORMANCE has some type of arp, only one will be able to use it.

On the Motif XS of course, you have 4 arpeggiators so you have a bit more flexibility in which PARTS have them active.

So yes, it is definitely possible to have more than one PERFORMANCE and seamlessly switch between them - if you recognize that a PERFORMANCE is simply VOICES placed in PARTS, and the PARTS assigned to the same MIDI channel… a MIXING setup lets you assign the MIDI receive channel of each PART freely so you can make complex layers and split/layers. You simply use the Track Select buttons to transmit to the various MIDI channels you select to trigger each PERFORMANCE group.

Hope that helps. 

Oh, by the way forgot to mention: On the MO and the Motif ES you must NAME and STORE the SONG or PATTERN MIX and back it up by saving an ALL data file. As your MIXING setups will disappear when you power down. (Or you can alternatively write them to FLASH ROM of the MIX TEMPLATES - where you can store 32 setups)

On the Motif XS the MIXING setup when stored will remain in memory between power cycles. And additionally you have the 32 MIX TEMPLATES, as well.

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Posted on: February 10, 2009 @ 03:31 AM
Total Posts:  8
Joined  12-30-2008
status: Newcomer

Re: Changing Voices Smoothly In Live Play

Is there any way to assign different parts to the same MIDI channel in the Motif Classic?
So far, I have been able to copy a performance into tracks 1-4, but when I go to JOB > EXCHANGE TRACKS, I can move the voices (to say, tracks 5-8) but the MIDI recieve channel allways stays at 1. Can I move it , to say 5, so that the performance still plays correctly but on tracks 5-8 and hence leaving room to load another performance into tracks 1-4?
Any help much appreciated - Thanks!

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Posted on: February 10, 2009 @ 06:52 AM
Total Posts:  14986
Joined  07-26-2002
status: Legend

Re: Changing Voices Smoothly In Live Play

Yes you can change the MIDI channel to which the parts of a song or pattern mix respond. Simply set the ReceiveCh parameter in the [SONG] (or [PATTERN])-->[MIXING]-->[EDIT]-->{part number ([1] - [16])}-->[F1] VOICE-->[SF2] MODE dialogs to the the MIDI channel (1-16) you want the selected part to respond to.


Brad Weber /forums/images/icons/cool.gif alt=

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