Total Posts: 5350
Joined 12-23-2002
status: Guru
Re: Why?
I have no idea why it still exists, but it’s been here since day one, for the reasons shown below. It started as a test, and has been left in place simply because it’s prboably easier to leave it rather than remove it. Not many people visit this conference anymore though..............frank
“Australia’s International page
Welcome to the Motif Oz forum, a place where issues, people, places, TV shows, you-name-it… of an Australian nature can be discussed.
This is somewhat of test, and we hope Mo’Bros and Mo’Sis’s anywhere in the world will work with us on this.
While in general and these forums in partcicular are obviously global concerns, there are many times when people want to discuss local issues, recommend a band, event, clinic date etc, that’s only going to be relevent to people living in that country.
So we’ve inaugurated the “International Pages” where specific countries can put up country-specicifc info or news, in the same way as mainly US info or news can be found on various pages within the site as a whole.
Australia is the first country to go ‘international’ here at, and we hope that if it proves useful, informative, and fun, other countries (and in other languages than English, too) may want to follow suit.
So please visit the main Australia page (lots of interesting stuff going on ‘down under’), and please use this forum whenever appropriate”