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Viewing topic "Logic effects issue"

Posted on: August 20, 2007 @ 11:35 AM
Total Posts:  16
Joined  08-29-2006
status: Regular

I’m a long time logic user with a Yamaha MO8.

I’ve noticed lately that when I hit my sustain pedal on my M08, that my reverb (specifically siververb) shoots up to 100%.

It does this everytime I hit sustain.  I know it’s a setting somewhere......does anyone know if it is a setting in my board or within logic itself.

This is frustrating when you’ve set all your levels than hit sustain accidentally and it shoots my revert to 100%.

It ususally only does this on the first audio track and not the others.

Please help.

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Posted on: September 23, 2007 @ 08:26 PM
the maestro
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Joined  01-01-2004
status: Newcomer

Re: Logic effects issue

i would suggest looking in the key commands menu and seeing if the midi message from your pedal was accidentally ‘learned’ to control the reverb level

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Posted on: October 12, 2007 @ 09:24 AM
Total Posts:  16
Joined  08-29-2006
status: Regular

Re: Logic effects issue

Thanks - I’ll check it out.

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Posted on: October 16, 2007 @ 08:41 AM
Total Posts:  0
Joined  06-25-2006
status: Newcomer

Re: Logic effects issue

Maestro’s post gave me an idea that even if you can’t find the exact
key command that your sustain pedal has learned, you could just
turn off “Midi Remote”. This would almost for sure solve the problem.

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