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sticky Looking for an Arpeggio 2288 2 10/11/2008 02:25 AM by radore
sticky Using arp in multi mode 1870 0 10/07/2008 03:48 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky issues with assigning controller for rack arps… 1876 5 09/29/2008 12:24 PM by miden
sticky Need help: Arpeggio data to Cubase AI4 from EX8… 1763 0 09/27/2008 07:04 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky Drum Fills and Variations 1769 0 09/21/2008 11:21 AM by
sticky Apeggiate the software instrument in your DAW 2287 7 09/17/2008 02:06 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Experts needed!!! 1974 3 09/04/2008 10:45 PM by edrave
sticky ASL analogue sequence loops by Zero G - problem… 1985 0 09/03/2008 06:29 PM by teeco
sticky Can you advance Arps with an FC5 ? ES6 1786 2 08/31/2008 11:41 PM by miden
sticky mm6 arpeggio left hand 1758 0 08/25/2008 07:43 AM by DavePolich
sticky Cubase AI4 control of Scenes in Drum MIDI track… 1820 2 08/21/2008 10:17 AM by
sticky arpeggio in song mode 1748 0 08/17/2008 07:05 AM by jordanone
sticky Arpeggio help; Motif ES 2281 3 08/16/2008 07:26 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky Video??? Anyone??? 1765 0 08/07/2008 07:37 PM by 6281
sticky Motif Rack ES Sonar Arpeggios 1753 0 08/04/2008 10:09 AM by BradWeber
sticky Motif Arps vs Soft Synth Arps 1634 0 07/30/2008 04:19 PM by larrygates
sticky Some XS Arp Questions 1741 0 07/30/2008 05:41 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky ARPEGGIO NOT WORKING 1620 2 07/21/2008 05:33 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky How to record arpeggio in cubase? 1984 3 07/10/2008 10:08 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky Arp to Song 2 1499 2 06/24/2008 05:23 AM by zenon
sticky New to Arpeggios.  Split keyboard, one with… 1894 3 06/23/2008 04:51 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Arp to Song 1681 8 06/20/2008 06:03 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Controlling arpeggios from Daw 1744 0 06/03/2008 04:08 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky Yamaha FC4 foot controller? 2362 2 05/28/2008 09:52 AM by DSPro14
sticky Hurry! Need help before a gig tonight! 2060 4 05/20/2008 07:53 PM by bardsong
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