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sticky Logic environment for the Motif XS 3522 7 09/23/2007 04:57 PM by the maestro
sticky certain keys on motif messing with logic 1639 5 08/30/2007 12:09 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Issues w/ Motif XS8 mLan/Apogee Ensemble/Macbook… 1731 2 08/22/2007 10:10 AM by ayp
sticky Just rented an XS6 - Hooking up to Logic 7 1343 0 08/22/2007 03:28 AM by IamUncleMikey
sticky voice box sound? 1590 0 08/02/2007 01:16 PM by TonyLondonUk
sticky Motif XS8 as Logic Pro Control Surface and Midi… 1556 0 07/30/2007 11:28 AM by ayp
sticky Motif XS8 mLan use Logic Pro 7.2 / Apogee… 1421 0 07/30/2007 08:06 AM by ayp
sticky this forum is not helpful at all 2214 6 06/28/2007 09:21 AM by pianokim
sticky Motif 8 and Logic7 1643 0 06/22/2007 04:19 AM by PhillipK
sticky Mlan16e and Logic Pro 7 1469 2 06/22/2007 04:08 AM by PhillipK
sticky Need Help “BOUNCING” the finished… 1926 7 06/13/2007 05:04 PM by Astral
sticky London calling for help 2519 13 06/13/2007 12:08 PM by PhillipK
sticky Remote button doesn’t work 1442 4 06/03/2007 04:56 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Remote not working 1304 2 06/02/2007 04:30 PM by PhillipK
sticky Why does ut sound Different in logic ? 1846 3 05/31/2007 06:00 PM by TonyLondonUk
sticky Midi patch bay functionality in Cubase? 1434 0 05/30/2007 03:54 AM by bgi
sticky Setting up to use ES as tone generator for Logic… 1751 0 05/27/2007 02:42 AM by PhillipK
sticky problems with click using es6 with express 1287 0 05/27/2007 02:25 AM by PhillipK
sticky mlan & S90ES 1591 3 05/08/2007 12:19 PM by PhillipK
sticky Logic environment filefor the S90ES???… 2296 4 05/07/2007 11:22 AM by ReverandJim
sticky Autoload song in English?? 1547 3 05/03/2007 06:59 PM by PhillipK
sticky Triology 1727 0 04/25/2007 04:53 AM by jamok
sticky Thanks ElmerJFudd… 1774 2 03/18/2007 11:30 AM by ElmerJFudd
sticky Logic 7 with a Motif ES 6 1933 0 03/17/2007 11:38 AM by ElmerJFudd
sticky synchro problem 2911 14 03/13/2007 09:46 PM by PhillipK
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