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sticky Mo6 and Omnisphere 8369 2 02/13/2009 05:41 PM by PhillipK
sticky Use a foot pedal to change voices? 8560 2 02/13/2009 04:00 PM by BradWeber
sticky Using Arps on multiple tracks in song/pattern… 8497 3 02/08/2009 08:56 AM by BradWeber
sticky Workaround for a broken button? 8086 4 02/08/2009 08:41 AM by aigaki_love
sticky MO6 Song Mode - set tempo from Studio Connections?… 8886 3 02/07/2009 06:03 PM by Kal
sticky Higher freq modulation with the mod wheel. 3428 3 02/07/2009 10:27 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky Remember 1500 voices on ebay? 3427 0 02/06/2009 02:23 PM by tuquoque
sticky MO6 & Protools 2851 0 02/06/2009 07:33 AM by Tacman7
sticky Is there an easy way to transpose in perf mode?… 2973 0 02/05/2009 06:45 AM by beachguitar
sticky Recording patterns with apreggio 2872 3 02/02/2009 12:16 PM by rao1961
sticky Creating Master Performance with MO8 2904 0 01/31/2009 03:46 AM by beachguitar
sticky polyphonic 2870 2 01/30/2009 01:08 AM by munclesmubb
sticky Using my MO8 as MIDI device in Ableton Live/Reason… 4136 6 01/28/2009 09:51 PM by mohopper
sticky New User (almost) 3534 5 01/28/2009 12:17 PM by bertofkosmic
sticky .MID (SMF) files playback 3544 4 01/28/2009 06:34 AM by Tacman7
sticky Creating “performances” with MO8?… 3008 2 01/26/2009 10:22 PM by Freslanta
sticky Power Bank now available for MO6/8 2973 0 01/26/2009 03:53 PM by PeterS
sticky programchanges in pattern/songmode 2914 2 01/25/2009 06:27 AM by willvandervliet
sticky measure empty 2750 2 01/25/2009 05:05 AM by shergo
sticky MO6 follow up? 3502 3 01/21/2009 01:21 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky MIDI Device Manager 3259 2 01/21/2009 06:00 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky Liquid spill 3226 0 01/21/2009 05:51 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky MO8 To SX3 2935 2 01/21/2009 05:48 AM by Bad_Mister
sticky Help with Cubase Le and Midi 2799 0 01/20/2009 06:45 AM by Tacman7
sticky Sync Mo6 arpegio with Cubase 2934 5 01/19/2009 03:52 PM by moogy
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