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Welcome to the support section.

Setting up the Vocoder in a PERFORMANCE

The vocoder is not an effect for the microphone, per se. It is the AD Input being used as a modifier for a synth Voice effect. The synth Voice is the carrier. It is designed for use with a microphone but no one says that is what you have to use as the modifier. Anything you can plug into the AD INPUT could theoretically be used as the modifier in this situation (your mileage will vary… as I said it is designed for use with a microphone as the input). The word Vocoder comes from Vocal Encoder (developed originally to encrypt battlefield communication).

So the Vocoder is actually an effect applied to a synthesizer sound. The input device is the modifier. The carrier (what you hear) is provided by the synthesizer sound that you select. The richer that sound is in harmonics the better it is as a carrier.

There are four Preset Voices already setup for ‘vocoding’.
Preset 8: 125(H13) Vocoder with Delay
Preset 8: 126(H14) Funky Vocoder
Preset 8: 127(H15) Vocoder Pad 1
Preset 8: 128(H16) Vocoder Pad 2


Motif XS/XF Setup:
_You can route the AD INPUT to the Large Insertion effect of a Voice in PART 1 for ‘live’ vocoding.

First, setup the Motif XS AD INPUT for microphone level:
• Press [UTILITY]
• Press [F2] I/O

Next create your PERFORMANCE:
• Press [PERFORM]
• Press [JOB]
• Press [ENTER] to execute
• Press [EDIT]
• Press [F1] VOICE
• Press [SF1] VOICE

Place the VOCODER VOICE you want to use in PART 1 of the PERFORMANCE - you can use the PRE 8: 125, 126, 127 or 128 Voices (which are already setup)
Place the other Voices you want to use in PARTS 2, 3 and 4, as you desire.

• Press [F4] AUDIO IN
• Press [SF1] OUTPUT
• Set the OUTPUT SELECT for the AD INPUT = “INS L”

This will allow the AD INPUT (the microphone) to utilize the INSERT LARGE of PART 1 (This combines PART 1’s two Insertion Effects to create the Vocoder processor).

You still have two INSERTION EFFECTS available for the AD INPUT (microphone):

Here you will find the two INSERTION EFFECTS for the microphone. Don’t be surprised - remember, the Vocoder is not an effect for the microphone… it is the AD Input being used as a modifier for a synth Voice effect.
