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The Quick Sequencer Setups The key word here is “MIDI”

The six critical parameters when using the XS in SONG/PATTERN mode (multi-timbrally) are:
Local Control - whether the keyboard transmits initally to the tone generator directly or sends the data out via MIDI only

MIDI Sync - whether the source of MIDI clock is internal or external. The settings are “internal”, “MIDI”, “auto” and MTC.
auto = just like MIDI but allows the XS to run even when your DAW is not running (many software sequencers do not send clock when they are stopped… making it difficult to practice with arpeggios before recording) So this is simply a convenience if you are using one of those DAW.
MTC = MIDI Time Code (SMPTE code via MIDI) the XS can slave to MTC in SONG mode (MTC requires Song Position Pointer). MTC allows the tempo of the two synchronized devices to be set independently. Useful for when you have to match music to film cues, for example. You have 30 seconds of music leading up to a frame where the killer jumps out and scares the audience… but the film editor cuts out a few frames so the movie gets a rating that will allow a wider audience to come see it… so you have to match the big musical hit with exact frame. MTC allows you to change the tempo of the slave device so that the 30 seconds of music takes place in the 27 seconds the film has been cut down to…

Sequencer Control - whether or not the transport control for the XS sequencer is IN (external device can start/stop and locate the transport), OUT (the XS transport controls will be transmitted OUT via MIDI), IN/OUT (both) or OFF (neither).

Arp MIDI OUT Switch - whether or not the arpeggios will be sent out via MIDI or whether your (trigger) key presses are sent. When OFF what YOU play is transmitted. When ON what the arpeggiator “plays” is transmitted.

Track Interal Switch - whether all tracks transmit to the internal tone generator or not

Track External Switch - whether all tracks transmit OUT via MIDI or not


The QUICK SEQUENCER SETUPS and when they are used
1: Using internal sequencer. This one is fairly self-explanitory. The six critical parameters are listed - current status is on the left, the changes that will be made when you press [ENTER] are shown on the right.

2: Recording internal sequencer to computer. This is when you are transferring MIDI data that is recorded on the tracks of the Motif XS to an external sequencer in real time. Remember the Motif XS sequencer’s tracks can only contain MIDI data. So if you are transferring MIDI data from the Tracks of the XS in real time to an external sequencer this will setup the 6 critical parameters so you can accomplish this goal. MIDI is the key operative word here.

3: Recording on computer. This is when you are using the Motif XS keys as a controller, and you are using the Motif XS as a sound module. You are doing your actual tracking in your external DAW.

4: Recording arpeggio to computer. *Turn DAW echo OFF When you are attempting to record the arpeggio generated data to an external sequencer in real time you must have the following situation:
Local Control must be on - necessary to have the key presses you make be interpreted by the arpeggiators, the arpeggiators then generate the note-on data which is then routed out via MIDI to your external tone engine. It is very important to turn the DAW’s echo or Thru parameter to OFF so that this data does not wind up coming back in via MIDI and re-triggering the arpeggiators. So the flow is: Press a key > arpeggiator > arpeggio pattern is generated and notes are sent > OUT via MIDI > arrive at your DAW software… DO NOT echo back. But these notes should dead end at the receiving track.

Once you have completed recording the arpeggios you can return to one of the other Quick Setups, as appropriate for what you want to do next.
