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Motif XS: Playing Performances


Version 1.06.6 and later...

The concept of this article is to take an in depth look at one of the Motif XS Performances so that you can learn about some of the important decisions that need to be made to get the most out of them. Each Performance can be up to four Voices (each placed in a PART 1-4) and can include an AD INPUT Part, as well. All PARTS of a Performance can recall their Dual Insertion Effects. And since you have the capability to use up to four simultaneous ARPEGGIOS, each of the synth PARTS can be under the control of a separate ARP phrase.

Additionally, five sets of arpeggio phrases can be associated with each Performance – allowing you to have 5 different musical segments. You have the innovative [PERFORMANCE CONTROL] functions that allow you to dynamically control what is happening with each PART and the [SELECTED PART CONTROL] functions that give you the ability to apply 24 knobbed parameters to all four PARTS in common, or you can select a single PART and apply those 24 parameters to just the one PART.

Please view the video clip working with this same PERFORMANCE (“Clavi Jam”) in the WEB VIDEO section of the Motif XS page… Master Class Preview Video Clip

Covered in this document: Definitions of Modes: VOICE / PERFORM Note Limits: PART SPLIT versus ARP SPLIT Real time [PERFORMANCE CONTROL] Arpeggio Play Effects Direct Performance Record feature

Download this Power User article (PDF): PLAYING_PERFORMANCES.pdf
