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Extensions For Steinberg DAW v1.4.1 (OS X)

Download the Extensions for OS X

“Extensions for Steinberg DAW” is a set of program plug-ins and project templates developed by Yamaha to enhance the functions of Steinberg DAW software. Simply by installing Extensions for Steinberg DAW and connecting the MOTIF XS series (MOTIF XS6/7 with mLAN16E2 and MOTIF XS8) to your computer via an IEEE1394 cable, you can take advantage of various features which enable you to link Cubase (the Steinberg DAW) with the MOTIF XS. Simply by installing Extensions for Steinberg DAW, you can utilize the following features when combining Cubase 4 / Cubase Studio 4 / Cubase AI4 with the MOTIF XS series.

-Auto setting of Audio Driver
-Audio/MIDI Port with device name
-Auto settings of Remote Device
-Project templates with Input/Output Bus settings
-Song Import from MOTIF XS6/7/8
