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Viewing topic "Big Screen"

Posted on: September 22, 2023 @ 08:50 PM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  09-22-2023
status: Newcomer

I got my MOXF8 around the beginning of 2016.  I had hoped to start working on learning how to arrange my music and doing my own productions.  I am legally blind due to congenital glaucoma.  I never really was able to dig deep into the keyboard because I had to constantly bend over to read the screen.  I could only do that for a short period of time until it became too uncomfortable. 

I ended up using the keyboard when I was not at my piano and recording some things from it directly to my Tascam Portastudio to add tracks. 

A few days ago I setup a cheap $55 dollar document camera and linked it to an old Microsoft Surface 3 and bought a 16 dollar tablet clamp.  I use OBS Studio software to view it and I adjust the consrast ratio and brightness in there to get thigns really sharp. 

I just thought someone might find this helpful.  I wished I had thourhgt of this many years ago.  I am going through Phil Clendenins Music Production master class videos now and I am leanring a ton.  It’s amazing how much you can do with this thing!

Seems I hit the file size limit so I shared a google drive link.

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