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Viewing topic "The pattern and the song are insert effects."

Posted on: December 24, 2022 @ 06:05 AM
Motif ES6
Total Posts:  91
Joined  08-31-2022
status: Experienced

The pattern and the song are insert effects.
When I create a song I can’t figure out where are the insert effects and how to assign them to certain tracks. And can I assign one insert to other tracks with less (or more) percentage?

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Posted on: December 25, 2022 @ 07:08 AM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  230
Joined  10-30-2011
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Insert effects are used on a single part. One set (A and B) is available for each part (up to eight parts). You assign the Insert effects from Song Mixing Edit mode:
[SONG] -> Song selection -> [MIXING] -> [EDIT] -> [COMMON] -> [F6] Effect -> [SF2] INS SW

In order to use the same effect for several parts, you must either duplicate it, or use the system effects (Reverb and Chorus, for which there are Send level parameters on each part).

- H -

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Posted on: December 25, 2022 @ 12:55 PM
Motif ES6
Total Posts:  91
Joined  08-31-2022
status: Experienced

Thank you Henry!
I will try to explain what I still don’t understand.
Voice mode (I will add a photo) - on the left side there are inert effects, I CAN assign and change them, I can see them and understand what to do with them.

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Posted on: December 25, 2022 @ 12:58 PM
Motif ES6
Total Posts:  91
Joined  08-31-2022
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Voice Mode

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Posted on: December 25, 2022 @ 01:01 PM
Motif ES6
Total Posts:  91
Joined  08-31-2022
status: Experienced

Perform mode (I’ll add a photo) - on the left side there are insert effects, I can not understand how to find the effect and assign (another), change it.

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Posted on: December 25, 2022 @ 01:05 PM
Motif ES6
Total Posts:  91
Joined  08-31-2022
status: Experienced

SONG mode - on the left side are inert effects, I can not understand how to find the effect and assign (another), change. I can not see where it is and do not understand.

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Posted on: December 25, 2022 @ 01:06 PM
Motif ES6
Total Posts:  91
Joined  08-31-2022
status: Experienced

Yes! Here I see the purpose of the inert effect on 8 tracks. They can be changed to a different 1-16. On the song and the pattern and the performance mode = one inert effect?
And how do I find it and assign e.g. diley, wow wow, etc.? And then how do I set the depth of the effect on track 1 more, on track 2 less?

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Posted on: December 25, 2022 @ 01:11 PM
Motif ES6
Total Posts:  91
Joined  08-31-2022
status: Experienced

More precisely - “Template” - a template for the songs. Not always works when appointed. That is, does not distribute sounds on the tracks. This is me or I met this problem?

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Posted on: December 25, 2022 @ 01:14 PM
Motif ES6
Total Posts:  91
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status: Experienced

Henry, I understand the Reverb + Chorus + Dry mode, and I can exactly set what I need there. But I would like to set the inert effect as in VOICE mode.

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Posted on: December 26, 2022 @ 02:54 AM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  230
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The Insert effects are part of the Voice structure, and I believe you already know how to edit them in Voice mode and store the result as a User Voice.

You can also edit Voices directly in Song or Pattern mode using this sub-menu:


When editing Voices in Song/Pattern mode, the edits can be stored as part of the current Song/Pattern. Always remember to store the edits before exiting, and then save your song before powering off.

It is also possible to store these settings separately to a special bank in the Motif ES’ internal user memory (manual p.106). This is referred to as Mixing Voices, which feels slightly misleading, since it contains the mix settings, voice assignments and edits for all the tracks. You can think of it as the multitimbral setup parameters for your song.

You can read more about the effects in different modes here:
Motif ES Effects

- H -

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Posted on: December 28, 2022 @ 05:16 AM
Motif ES6
Total Posts:  91
Joined  08-31-2022
status: Experienced

Thank you Henry! Maybe I look like an amateur. Although I constantly read the manual and try to understand myself, so that here on this site do not ask stupid and the same questions.
I still have a misunderstanding. -
When in Song or Pattern mode, the insert effect is taken from the Voices mode, so I understand.
What are the 8 track assignments? Is it 8 different insert effects? Or is it one inert effect that can be assigned to 8 tracks?

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Posted on: December 28, 2022 @ 06:04 AM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  230
Joined  10-30-2011
status: Enthusiast


No problem, questions are the reason why this forum exists.

Those are 8 different and independent insertion effects. The Motif ES doesn’t have the processing capacity to have Insert effects on all the tracks/voices, so we have to decide which 8 tracks/voices will keep their “Voice mode” Insert effect.

Each effect can be assigned to a single voice/track, and consists of two processors (A and B).

- H -

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Posted on: January 01, 2023 @ 02:44 AM
Motif ES6
Total Posts:  91
Joined  08-31-2022
status: Experienced

A little start to clarify the situation - that is, the insertion effect is assigned to the track from the voice itself. Ok! Can the insertion effect from the first track be used in the second track as well? Or does the insertion effect work for one voice with which it went? Can I assign more of this insert effect to the first track and less to another track, for example?

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Posted on: January 01, 2023 @ 02:47 AM
Motif ES6
Total Posts:  91
Joined  08-31-2022
status: Experienced

Two processors A and B .
It’s not completely clear yet - so these two processors go to the 4 voice elements? Can one processor A be assigned to 4 elements? I don’t understand the assignment algorithm a bit.
As I think: processors work for different parts of the 4 elements in the voice, i.e. up to a certain volume?

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Posted on: January 01, 2023 @ 02:48 AM
Motif ES6
Total Posts:  91
Joined  08-31-2022
status: Experienced

Happy New Year ! Health and happiness to all !)

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Posted on: January 01, 2023 @ 09:12 AM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  230
Joined  10-30-2011
status: Enthusiast

Happy New Year! :)

Motif ES6 - 01 January 2023 02:44 AM

Can the insertion effect from the first track be used in the second track as well? Or does the insertion effect work for one voice with which it went?

As I said earlier, an Insertion effect can only be used on one voice/track. The term stems from mixing desks, which often have insert points on each channel for individual processing. Since Insertion effects are placed within the signal path of a channel, they can only process that same channel.

The Motif ES’ Reverb and Chorus units, on the other hand, are Send effects. They are fed via their own dedicated busses, similar to the Aux bus on a mixer. Such a circuit lets you send a proportion of each channel’s signal to a common bus, and that way decide how much effect each channel gets. The same is not possible with the Insertion effects, since they aren’t connected to a bus.

Motif ES6 - 01 January 2023 02:47 AM

It’s not completely clear yet - so these two processors go to the 4 voice elements? Can one processor A be assigned to 4 elements? I don’t understand the assignment algorithm a bit. As I think: processors work for different parts of the 4 elements in the voice, i.e. up to a certain volume?

In Voice mode, as seen in your first image, the Element and A/B connections are set in the following menu:

[VOICE] -> Voice selection -> [EDIT] -> [COMMON] -> [F6] EFFECT -> [SF1] CONNECT

Note that the signal flows from left to right in this screen, and starts with the Elements. Each Element’s signal (to the left on the display) can go to the A or B processor, or bypass them both (thru = no effect).

The A and B effects (middle of the display) can be linked or separated. Move the cursor between the two processors to decide how they are connected:

* The A to B setting means that an Element routed to A will subsequently go to B as well, while an Element routed to B only goes to the B effect.
* The B to A setting is the same, but reverses the signal flow between the two processors.
* Parallel mode separates the A and B effects. Elements routed to A only goes to A, and elements routed to B only goes to B.

Also refer to p.179 of the manual for illustration.

The detailed Insertion effect parameters are set from the [SF2] and [SF3] sub menus.

- H -

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