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Viewing topic "S90 Performance Mode Questions"

Posted on: March 08, 2022 @ 12:12 PM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  03-08-2022
status: Newcomer


Dusted off the S-90 Classic, and really getting into it.  I’ve been getting pretty comfortable with Performance and Master Modes, but I’m still missing something.

I have two Voices, a Piano and an Organ that I was trying to split by using them in a Performance.

The Organ Voice has the Leslie effect tied to the Mod Wheel, as normal, and works great in Voice Mode.  However, when I add it, or any of the other Organ Voices to the Performance, the Mod Wheel has no effect.  Originally, I started with an existing Performance and modified it, but after trying for a while, I re-initialized, and started with a clean Performance.  No difference.

Lastly, for what I’m playing, I don’t want the Organ affected by the Sustain Pedal.  I couldn’t find an easy way to have that Voice ignore the pedal.

Thanks for a great site, and appreciate your feedback!


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