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Viewing topic "Need monitoring set-up ideas"

Posted on: September 08, 2020 @ 11:21 PM
Total Posts:  542
Joined  11-01-2003
status: Guru

I’m getting deaf in my old age and finally going to break down and set up some kind of live monitoring.

I sing and play an MOXF. Cause I’m just a one-man show usually I’ve been able to hear my speakers well enough as they are barely 5 feet from me, to my left and right.

Because I’m singing and playing it’s hard for me to hear the part I’m doing on the keyboard. What tends to happen unconsciously is that I play the keyboard too loudly and it messes up the front of house mix.

So I’m hoping to find a way to not only hear everything a little better, including my voice, but to also as necessary boost my keyboard a tad in the monitor just for my ears. 

I’m NOT trying to reproduce what the audience is hearing and would certainly NOT want the mixer effects IF it’s possible to eliminate them from the monitor mix. I’m dubious though because presently I use the MOXF effects for the main mix and the only effects from the mixer are simple reverb on my vocals. 

Here’s the equipment I have to work with. 

1. Two QSC CP 12 powered speakers.

2. Yamaha MG10XU mixer. I use one mono XLR channel for microphone and the MOXF L & R go into one of the 1/4 stereo channels. I send signals L & R via XLR to the CP 12’s. 

3. A single Behringer B205D Eurolive Powered Monitor. This is new equipment to me. It seemed versatile enough to get me where I’m trying to go in conjunction with the Yamaha mixer.

Your ideas are very appreciated!

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