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Viewing topic "Modulation Wheel stopped working"

Posted on: October 06, 2017 @ 04:23 AM
Total Posts:  12
Joined  02-20-2013
status: Regular

I have a FC7 foot pedal plugged into the foot controller jack on my MX61.  I was trying to make it work as a volume pedal for strings on a string/piano voice.
Well, I never could get that to work, and now the foot pedal does not work at all.  Turns out the modulation wheel is dead also.

Maybe the foot pedal is fine, but the mod wheel is not working at all. It was fine before I started changing settings.

I have tried just about every combination in Utility 03:Controller. Can someone tell me the default settings for the controller, or give me a clue as to what else to try.

Thanks, LN

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Posted on: October 06, 2017 @ 08:30 AM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

It’s a bit difficult to say exactly what setting(s) you might have changed to cause the MW not to work. MW is CC#1. You could check the Controllers settings and see if you’ve assigned any of them to that CC number, and change it.

You might just do a factory reset. You should save an “All” file to a USB flash drive first. After the reset, verify that the MW and FC7 work correctly - Foot Controller usually defaults to CC#11, which is Expression. You should make note of the default setting for each of the controllers.

If you decide to reload the “All” file you saved, the previous controller behavior will likely return. If so, the default settings you hopefully noted could be used to restore proper operation.

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Posted on: October 07, 2017 @ 07:20 AM
Total Posts:  12
Joined  02-20-2013
status: Regular

Thanks for the input. I was thinking the same, save and restore.
After trying everything, I found that one of the bass voices has great mod wheel and foot control. All of the piano voices have just a little bit of reverb on max mod wheel.  I tried to copy the settings from that one bass to other piano voices, but it still does not work.  I guess the only choice is to restore.


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