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Viewing topic "Logic Pro X Problems"

Posted on: February 17, 2014 @ 05:42 PM
Total Posts:  62
Joined  01-13-2014
status: Experienced

i have connected my motif via firewire to my macbook to record audio into my logic pro x projects,

so now here come the problem or atleast not a problem but an annoying thing that hopefully it can be fixed,

Every time i open a new audio track, it puts my by default to input 1, but i use input 1-2 for stereo, and also after the first audio track, it changes to track 3-4, then 5-6 and so on, i want to stay on input 1-2 everytime i open a new audio track, is that possible, and another thing,

am i doing it right to record my motif on stereo while i have it connected via firewire?

thank you very much MOTIFATOR!

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Posted on: February 17, 2014 @ 07:49 PM
Total Posts:  1055
Joined  07-01-2013
status: Guru

Hi jrproductionz,

Since you haven’t mentioned specifically which Motif (and installed driver) you use, it could be hard to get to the bottom of your problem.

Only getting the option of Input 1 usually means you have created a MONO track and not a STEREO track.

It should be 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8 with stereo tracks.

If you really have created a stereo track and you still get the option for just Input 1 and not input 1-2 in Logic, it means that Logic is not recognising your Motif.

Logic works strictly on what is defined and set up in the Audio MIDI Set Up Utility in Applications > Utilities > Audio MIDI Set Up Utility.

If you have installed the correct driver, then your Motif will show up in it, but in your case, it could be that the set up in the utility for it has been modified somehow.

Simply deleting the set up and reinstalling drivers could fix your problems right away.

jrproductionz - 17 February 2014 05:42 PM

it changes to track 3-4, then 5-6 and so on, i want to stay on input 1-2 everytime i open a new audio track

I personally don’t see inputs being created in ascending numerical order as a problem, so I’m unable to comment on it, but it is a typical feature of many modern DAWs and it is very quick and easy to set them to what you want.

jrproductionz - 17 February 2014 05:42 PM

am i doing it right to record my motif on stereo while i have it connected via firewire?

Given that many sounds in your Motif use stereo samples and stereo FX, yes, but if you want them recorded Mono, then you can do.


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