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Viewing topic "Missing function !"

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Posted on: November 12, 2013 @ 03:02 AM
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This is my first post here,

I got the moxf with 1gb flash board

I want to know if there is a user scale function in micro tuning page
Or I can modify the tune of specific notes in real time without iPhon/iPad things

I found only a pre programmed scales with the transpose option (a trick)
But this doesn’t realy help.


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Posted on: November 12, 2013 @ 04:46 AM
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Laurance - 12 November 2013 03:02 AM

[...]I want to know if there is a user scale function in micro tuning page[...]

Welcome to the forum.

It appears that the Micro Tuning scales are limited to the preset Settings listed on page 30 of the MOXF Reference Manual. The ability to create a User scale is one of the features of the XS/XF that apparently didn’t make it into the MOX/MOXF.

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Posted on: November 12, 2013 @ 05:38 AM
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status: Regular

Thanks 5pinDIN for replying

I tried also within Cubase 7 micro tuning plugin, but didn’t hear Any changes.

Any other solution ? (Without Apple application)


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Posted on: November 12, 2013 @ 06:10 AM
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Joined  01-25-2005
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Kelfar makes products for microtunings, esp. “Arabic” scales. The Motifator shop used to carry their hardware, I know they supported the ES and some Korg instruments as well. I am not sure if they have support for more recent Yamaha gear, take a look for yourself.

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Posted on: November 12, 2013 @ 06:45 AM
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Thanks meatballfulton for replying,

I’m aware of theses products,
but I want the midi I/O of the keyboard to be used for something else


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Posted on: November 14, 2013 @ 10:54 AM
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I tried the Motif XF editor just in case this could send a real time micro tuning information, but it seems this version is blocked on Motif XF engine

Now my question is:

Is there a way to micro tune the Moxf in real time or not (via cubase Sysx or even with the YAMAHA scale tuner application ? )


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Posted on: November 14, 2013 @ 11:29 AM
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I may misunderstand, but if you use Cubase and setup an miditrack. with MOXF as Midi IN and MOXF as midi OUT.

turn Off internal mode on the MOXF
(Sorry if use the wrong term but I am still waiting for my MOXF)
IE the MOXF shall only transmit midi to Cubase when you hit the keys and play the sound when it revives MIDI from cubase.

Now if you use an Micro tuner midi plugin on the track it should work.

I do this with my Integra 7 even that it has micro tuning it,s easier to set up in Cubase for recording:)

hope that helps

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Posted on: November 14, 2013 @ 11:47 AM
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I didn’t find the internal mode ON/OFF

but I think it’s the same if you just create a Midi track in Cubase with some events

I do this with the Midi plugin but the MOXF don’t reply for any tune changes.

Any clue ?

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Posted on: November 14, 2013 @ 11:58 AM
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For synths that don’t incorporate User scalable microtuning, it can still be accomplished as long as pitch bend can be received on all MIDI channels.

For example, see MicroTuner:

Of course, such an approach can add many PB messages to the MIDI data stream, which eventually could result in MIDI “clog” if added to lots of other data.

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Posted on: November 14, 2013 @ 12:02 PM
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For Local Control on/off, see page 148 of the MOXF Reference Manual.

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Posted on: November 14, 2013 @ 12:14 PM
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The right term is LocalCtrl (Local Control) ON/OFF and is in utility mode in MIDI settings.
As I said I have not got my MOXF yet so I can`t help more than that…
Make an search in the PDF for LocalCtrl for an more detailed answer:)

I don`t know why it does not work when you make events in cubase!
it should if you have setup the midi and the tuning the right way.
Try to use the transpose midi function within cubase and see if that works?

EDIT: Sorry did not see the other answers:)

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Posted on: November 14, 2013 @ 12:24 PM
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MeMyselfAndI64 - 14 November 2013 12:14 PM

[...]EDIT: Sorry did not see the other answers:)

No problem - the more people say the same thing, the more likely it will be seen and believed.   :-)

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Posted on: November 14, 2013 @ 12:36 PM
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The transpose function within cubase respond with no problem
but the microtune plugin still doesn’t do any thing (Local mode: OFF).

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Posted on: November 14, 2013 @ 12:58 PM
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5pinDIN - 14 November 2013 11:58 AM

For synths that don’t incorporate User scalable microtuning, it can still be accomplished as long as pitch bend can be received on all MIDI channels.

For example, see MicroTuner:

Of course, such an approach can add many PB messages to the MIDI data stream, which eventually could result in MIDI “clog” if added to lots of other data.

Thanks for trying to help,

The solution is to change the microtune in real time or even with automated midi messages

If this is not possible (Which I still waiting the official confirmation from YAMAHA)

I’ll have to say that this keyboard is not targeted to the oriental music.

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Posted on: November 14, 2013 @ 01:56 PM
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Even if a synth doesn’t have built-in alternative tuning capability (preset or user scalable), as long as it can properly respond to pitch bend messages, it can be microtuned in real time. The software has to examine each note-on event, and then add a PB message that corresponds to the amount of scaling necessary for that note. Accuracy and consistency can be issues with this approach.

A Motif XF is probably a better choice for your needs.

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Posted on: November 15, 2013 @ 07:08 AM
Total Posts:  12
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Do you know if the scale tuner (Apple application) works or not
With moxf ?

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