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Viewing topic "Layering on the S90XS"

Posted on: February 17, 2013 @ 09:34 PM
Total Posts:  58
Joined  07-28-2004
status: Experienced

When I split the keyboard, the bass (left hand) goes to the proper place.  The piano (right hand) goes to the proper place.  Now I would like to layer strings on top of the piano only.  When I hit the layer button, the strings layer on top of the whole keyboard.  I do not want the strings to layer over the bass.

Thank You for your help

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Posted on: February 17, 2013 @ 11:37 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

Then set the parameter to “Upper” instead of “Both”. When you select BOTH the sound will be layered across the keyboard, if you select UPPER it will be assigned to the right side of the Split Point. If you select LOWER the PART will be layered to the left side of the Split Point. Make sense?

It is that simple.

Press [EDIT]
Select a PART 1-4 - select your String in PART 3
Cursor down to the SPLIT LO/UP parameter
Set the PARTS to Lower, Upper or Both as you desire, if you set your String PART to UPPER it will only sound above the Split Point.

Press STORE to lock in your data.

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