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Viewing topic "S90XS Vellos Falls patch"

Posted on: January 29, 2013 @ 04:38 PM
Total Posts:  27
Joined  09-28-2012
status: Regular

Hi ya’ll

Can anyone give me just a tad of help?  concerning the Vellos Falls brass Patch.  Is there a way to slow down the “falls” portion of the patch?

Thank you so much for reading and possibly helping me out.


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Posted on: January 29, 2013 @ 04:54 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

Can anyone give me just a tad of help?  concerning the Vellos Falls brass Patch.  Is there a way to slow down the “falls” portion of the patch?

No. The VOICE: “Velo Falls” is a velocity-switching Voice where when you exceed a particular velocity value you trigger an ELEMENT that is a sample (audio recording) of a brass section doing a “fall off”.

Before there were sample playback synthesizers you could manually create the “fall off” effect by using the PEG (Pitch Envelope Generator) to mimic the pitch drop of a “brass fall off”. It was not as realistic but you could control the speed of the pitch drop. If you listen closely to the real thing (as in the “Velo Brass” Voice), you will hear the horns go through the steps of the harmonic series - as that is what real horns do.

Synthesizers can recreate the pitch drop but do not mimic exactly the harmonic stepping of real horns.

With your S90 XS, this type of edit can be done with the S90XS/S70 XS Editor or the S90XS/S70 XS Editor VST to create a PEG that mimics a pitch drop - and you can control the speed of the pitch drop with the “TIME” parameters of the Pitch Envelope.

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Posted on: January 29, 2013 @ 06:06 PM
Total Posts:  27
Joined  09-28-2012
status: Regular

thank you!

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