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Viewing topic "LSO for the Motif Rack XS"

Posted on: September 14, 2010 @ 11:34 PM
Total Posts:  4
Joined  09-14-2010
status: Newcomer

I’m trying to use my Motif Rack XS in Logic Pro 9. Does anybody have LSO for the Motif Rack XS. The LSO is the Mac/Logic name for the the patchlist/midnam.

If you have it, please email it to me at



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Posted on: January 28, 2011 @ 02:00 AM
Total Posts:  1743
Joined  10-22-2004
status: Guru

People tend not to post Logic questions in the Logic forum so I miss them every now and then when Bad_Mister moves them over.

Someone will have eventually have to create one and offer it up for the benefit of others…

Anyway, see my answer here...

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