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Viewing topic "MO6 Remote Mackie/ACT Control"

Posted on: August 09, 2010 @ 11:17 PM
Total Posts:  33
Joined  01-18-2009
status: Regular

I have been trying to set up the ACT midi controller in Sonar 8, to control with my MO6.
I have the Mackie Controller Emulator Template setup and working great on Port 4. Tried setting up ACT on port 4 and port 3 and using the Default setting in ACT, but it doesn’t want to co-operate… I can get the faders to work but seem to have problems with the dials main problem here is the dials wont move in small increments. Turn the dial just a little bit and it jumps kind of like on or off.
Has anyone here been successful in setting up there MO and utilizing both types of controllers? If so Please help! Thanks.

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