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Viewing topic "Need help setting up my MO6 to work in logic pro 8.."

Posted on: March 25, 2010 @ 02:30 AM
Total Posts:  9
Joined  03-25-2010
status: Newcomer

I’m trying to use my MO6 with Logic Pro 8. I’m not only wanting to use it as a MIDI controller but I want to be able to export the patterns and songs I’ve made on my MO6 into Logic track by track. This would also mean using the external sounds from the MO6 inside of Logic. So far, I’ve got the latest driver downloaded from Yamaha and installed, and Logic is recognizing the MO6 because anytime I push a key on the MO6, it registers at the bottom of Logic, and it also works as a MIDI controller with Reason 4.0(I’ve already used it as a MIDI controller in one of my Reason projects.) So the problem isn’t that Logic won’t recognize it or anything like that, I just don’t know how to get Logic to pull up the sounds from the MO6 and I also don’t know how to export my patterns and songs into Logic. I have been busting my butt off the past few days reading over things and still haven’t figured this out. Please help, it’s giving me a headache!! BTW: my equip is as follows: An Apple Imac 2.66 Ghz, running Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8. I am using a MIDI to USB cable from the MO6 to the USB port on my Mac. Logic Pro 8 is the only program I’m needing help with right now, I have Reason figured out.

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Posted on: March 25, 2010 @ 07:15 PM
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Joined  10-22-2004
status: Guru

On vacation, if no one replies, I’ll get to you in a day or so…
And, actually, I did reply last night. Don’t know where the previous post went… If you are industrious, scan or search this forum for MO6 setup. Or, you can really use any of my replies about setting up the XS6 or XS7. While some parameters may located a little differently, it will give you the nuts and bolts of setup…


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Posted on: March 27, 2010 @ 06:16 PM
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Joined  03-25-2010
status: Newcomer

yeah ive already done that but im still not figuring it out almost there but just missing one or two things but ill just wait for you to get back from vacation. appreciate it!

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Posted on: March 28, 2010 @ 10:08 PM
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Tell me where you are in terms of setup. What have you done thus far?

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Posted on: March 28, 2010 @ 11:26 PM
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status: Newcomer

honestly id rather just restart all over so if you can just run me step by step through it from the beginning id really appreciate it..

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Posted on: March 29, 2010 @ 12:33 AM
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1. Set the MO to work in Song Mode: Press SONG

2. Set Utilities Settings Via Quick Setup: Press [SEQ SETUP] → [F3] QUICK and, select either:
QUICK SEQUENCER SETUP #1- using the MO without a computer
QUICK SEQUENCER SETUP #2- to record internal sequencer into Logic or,
QUICK SEQUENCER SETUP #3 = Recording on Computer (w/o MO sequencer)
QUICK SEQUENCER SETUP #4 = Recording Arps into Logic

Set the MO to operate via USB:
Press [STORE] to lock in your Utility mode settings.

1) Logic Pro will recognize any device setup in OS X’s Audio Midi Setup. When properly installed, the Yamaha-USB Driver should be auto-configured by Audio Midi Setup; and, it will appear there. It will be grayed out unless the Motif is connected. If it is not there, 1a) Verify the MO is set to operate via USB or, 1b) Completely remove and reinstall the driver- see documentation that came with the driver…

2) Audio Midi Setup will recognize the USB driver but, not the keyboard. It must be manually setup in AMS. (So from the Desktop or Finder, hold down both ‘Command’ + ‘Shift’ + ‘U’. Open the Audio MIDI Setup. Choose the MIDI Devices Tab. Select ‘Add Device’. An item appears called ‘new external device’. Double-click the first device. Type ‘MO6’ as the Device Name. You can select Yamaha as the manufacturer. Apply the changes and close)…

3) Move it (the MO Device) directly under the Yamaha USB Driver Device- (it should be there once the driver is installed correctly). There is at least one set of small triangles at the bottom which represent MIDI ports. Place your cursor at the left downfacing triangle (out port) and drag to the left triangle of the Motif Device (in port). It draws a cable. Draw just the one and- Close ‘AMS’…

4) Open Logic Pro and create an External MIDI Track. Check the ‘Open Library’ box; the MO should appear in the Media / Library as an option… (more than one MO port will be shown; select the one that has the exact name as the device in you setup in AMS. The 1-16 correspond to your XS Midi channels)

5) To record more than one midi channel at a time, you must do the following: From the Logic ToolBar select ‘Settings’ {or File> Project Settings}; Click the Recording Tab; check the Auto Demix By Channel… When you create additional external MIDI tracks for the MO. Select the MO Instrument from the library as stated above and the corresponding MIDI Channel.

When each track is record enabled, the MIDI should be distributed to the proper channels- you will notice this when recording stops…

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Posted on: March 29, 2010 @ 02:21 AM
Total Posts:  9
Joined  03-25-2010
status: Newcomer

Alright, I literally did this step by step and it is still not working. I’m thinking it has something to do with steps 2-3..I reinstalled the YAMAHA USB Driver from followed the onscreen instructions and it was installed, I even checked for it in the Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers folder and found it was there. I pulled up the AMS screen and found a driver called “YAMAHA MO6” with 4 Ports of BOTH Up and Down arrows, and then four ports of just down arrows. I renamed this device just “MO6.” Step 3 confused me though. I created a new device called “new external device.” I connected a cable from the first lefthand arrow(facing down)of the “MO6” device and drug it into the first lefthand arrow(facing down) of the “new external device” then closed AMS. I created a new “External MIDI” track in Logic and found over in the library a folder called “new external device” and then seven other folders titled MO6 Port2 - MO6 Port8. I clicked the folder titled “new external device” and selected “Channel 1”. Then nothing was happening and that is where I’m at now. Any ideas?? All while in Song mode of the MO6, and yes I’m sure it is set to USB.

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Posted on: March 29, 2010 @ 02:32 AM
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status: Guru

Describe all your physical connections to and from the MO6-

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Posted on: March 30, 2010 @ 12:35 AM
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just a midi to usb connector going from the TO HOST connector and into the USB port on my Mac.

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Posted on: March 30, 2010 @ 09:58 AM
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status: Guru

jrue, I’m trying to help. Please describe every cable plugged into the MO6 and where it is going. Also, why are you using a MIDI to USB connector instead of just a USB cable? What amp are you plugged into? Or, do you have an Audio Interface?

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Posted on: March 31, 2010 @ 12:28 AM
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status: Newcomer

thats the only connection..the one usb cable is all i have connected to the mo6 and thats it. the reason why im using that is bc the other connection is for usb devices like external hard drives and flash drives. plus i had a midi to usb cable that came with one of my midi controllers. but its not going into an amp or audio interface, just straight to the usb input on my mac.

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Posted on: March 31, 2010 @ 01:06 AM
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status: Guru

there are only two ways to monitor both Logic and the MO6:

1) Both Mac and MO6 into Amp, powered speakers… (Disadvantage: no way to get MO6 audio into the Mac. USB carries MIDI data only).

2) MO6 Stereo Out into Audio Interface or Digital Mixer [either USB or Firewire]… (Advantage: can record both MO6 Audio and MIDI into Logic. Can monitor audio within Logic itself… Disadvantage: cost)

Finally, imho- it would be better to utilize a USB hub for the External HD’s. Connecting the USB Cable directly from the MO into the Mac allows you to also utilize the Studio Manager / Editor. In fact, if you use one, the MO6 can go into that hub also. If you decide to obtain an Audio Interface, that should be plugged directly into the MAC to eliminate noise. (Exception: Firewire connections can be piggybacked)… The Hubs are fairly inexpensive.

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Posted on: April 12, 2010 @ 09:51 PM
Total Posts:  9
Joined  03-25-2010
status: Newcomer what youre saying is that i should buy an Audio Interface and monitors, then connect the L/Mono and R outputs to the Audio Interface? Then after that I should be able to hear the Voices from the MO6 play inside of Logic??

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Posted on: April 12, 2010 @ 10:46 PM
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status: Guru

Or, headphones- monitors would be better of course! You could also send the output of the Audio Interface into your amp in a pinch..

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