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Viewing topic "1Gb RAM in my Motif ES"

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Posted on: October 24, 2009 @ 06:15 PM
Total Posts:  57
Joined  09-22-2008
status: Experienced

the Motif ES have usb 2.0 port i thing......

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Posted on: October 25, 2009 @ 01:09 AM
Total Posts:  2688
Joined  03-07-2008
status: Guru

The speed of the interface is only part of the story. Behind the scenes the synth has to do a fair amount of work creating/initialiazing the internal data structures required to properly use the data being loaded from storage. The ES is reasonably quick at doing this, the XS is faster, but in both cases it does detract from the ‘theoretical maximum’ data transfer rate when applied to the real world scenario of ‘load this data’.


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Posted on: November 18, 2022 @ 07:00 AM
Total Posts:  184
Joined  11-16-2004
status: Pro

Silly question.. but… if you install 1GB of Ram in the ES, will the machine load faster than if it had 512k??

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