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Viewing topic "Pitch bend range on Rack ES"

Posted on: April 14, 2015 @ 08:00 PM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  05-25-2014
status: Newcomer

Hey folks,

Done quite a bit of manual reading a forum searching, so I feel somewhat knowledgeable about this process, but have run into a brick wall so to speak, so am asking for some help.

I’m wanting to work with some MIDI files on my ES, which use a non-standard pitch bender of +12 for all instruments. The default setting in MIDI, and the ES, is +2. The normal way I send this message to my synths is via a CC #6 (Data Entry MSB) message, but this does nothing. I know how to manually do this in Voice mode, but I’m wanting a CC method to use in a sequencer while in Multi mode.

Please help if you can!
- Spike

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Posted on: April 14, 2015 @ 10:20 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

Welcome to the forum.

I presume that you’ve been sending the full RPN, including
CC #100(64H) = 0 and CC #101(65H) = 0

From the RECEIVE FLOW diagram on page 96 of the Rack XS Owner’s Manual:
PITCH BEND SENS.   BnH 64H 00H 65H 00H 06H mmH

The other consideration is that the diagram shows the message is received via [SW10], which is defined on page 97 as…
MIDI Receive Channel and Receive Filter
In the Performance/Multi mode: complies with Part Receive Channel and Part Receive Switch

In the other mode: complies with Basic Receive Channel

So if the MIDI channel of the message matches that of the Part, and the Receive Switch for PB is on, the message should work. See Receive Switch on page 85 of the Owner’s Manual, as well as pages 84 and 82 as referred to.

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