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Viewing topic "arp loop off question"

Posted on: August 03, 2009 @ 09:51 AM
Total Posts:  125
Joined  03-20-2009
status: Pro

I Want to use arp 5 as an ending. So in edit mode I wanted to put loop ‘off’. But when I do that it’s changed in every arp from that performance. I just want to turn loop off for only arp 5. Is this possible?

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Posted on: September 26, 2009 @ 01:32 PM
Total Posts:  60
Joined  12-08-2006
status: Experienced

What Mode are you in..? Are you using the Arps for a drum track In a performance ? I created a “silent” arp. When I want to end a tune while in Performance mode I select my “silent” user arp that I put into location 5.

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Posted on: July 26, 2010 @ 12:06 PM
Total Posts:  426
Joined  11-01-2006
status: Enthusiast

If you add a silent arp then you waste 1 slot. I just modify the “Ending” apr by sending STOP MIDI SYSEX “F0 7F FF 06 01 F7”. (check midi chart

Or you can insert Control Change value 124 (Omni Off)

Hope that helps,

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