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Viewing topic "When layering piano and strings on MX61"

Posted on: January 22, 2018 @ 06:37 PM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  01-03-2018
status: Newcomer

Hello. I have a question about layering piano and strings.
When you play a string sound and you use the sustain pedal, you can hold, release the pedal, and hold it again before the sound fades out. I was once told that this is natural for a piano, but I think it’s not for a string sound or any other sound with long release time. When playin piano layered with strings, it is eating polyfony, so you can notes cut off.  Is it possible to turn this function off?

Is it any priorioty on part 10 as on Motif Rack?

Regards Lund Studios

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