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Viewing topic "horrendous start up drum sound/arpegio and how to choose specific sounds for sequencer tracks"

Posted on: October 02, 2017 @ 05:37 PM
Total Posts:  15
Joined  01-17-2012
status: Regular

I am a new member. I have two issues. When I go to write a pattern created by me for a sequence It seems as though when I pick a bank I get certain sounds. Often I want sounds that aren’t listed as you scroll through the 128 sounds in each bank. Lets say I am on track one and I hit F2 to choose a sound. It will always default to pianos and offer about ten of those, then ten basses, and then strings but what If I want a specific sound? I have realized that I can record with a sound and change it before playback but it is a kind of a pain.

Question 2. How to I stop the MO6 from playing that loud horrendous drum beat (The Core) upon power up!?

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Posted on: October 02, 2017 @ 09:03 PM
Total Posts:  851
Joined  06-05-2011
status: Guru

Welcome to the Forum.

In Pattern/Mixing Mode after pressing F2 you can press Category Search (Top Button). After that select your desired category from the 16 buttons directly below that. Use the Buttons or Wheel to choose your Voice.

I do recall the distressing Sequence you’ve mentioned on start up. Set your own choice by pressing Utility>SF4(other) scroll to Power On Mode and choose from the options presented. Press Store to write your selection to memory.


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Posted on: October 13, 2017 @ 08:44 PM
Total Posts:  15
Joined  01-17-2012
status: Regular

Thank you sooooo much sir...I appreciate it so much. You made my weekend

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Posted on: October 14, 2017 @ 08:41 PM
Total Posts:  851
Joined  06-05-2011
status: Guru
sensory123 - 13 October 2017 08:44 PM

Thank you sooooo much sir...I appreciate it so much. You made my weekend

You’re quite welcome. Thanks for reporting back, glad things worked out for you.

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