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Viewing topic "Twiddly.Bits Dubstep Midi…"

Posted on: December 25, 2019 @ 02:05 PM
Total Posts:  1167
Joined  01-26-2007
status: Guru

Hey there

Did anyone used Twiddly.Bits Dubstep Midi? I am wondering how one can use MIDI for Dubstep. The point of Dubstep is to have wooble sounds. I can not imagine Motif (I have XS) wooble well. Dubstep built on fast changing sounds. If I had no collection of Dubstep sounds from software synths, how would I make MIDI sound? I am sure it is not “General Midi”, so- how would MIDI help? Without woobly sound, all I get will be a note on piano roll. I can place many notes, but it is the sounds that make Dubstep, not notes. Drum patterns make sense, I can use those. But if you think, for example Gate sweep. You have to have sweepable sound. You can\t just apply sweep on any sound. If the library has references to Motif voices or offers new user voices, then it could be useful. But I hardly imagine how I would use naked MIDI data without knowing what it supposed to do to a sound. The description offrs no explanation.

Bass wobbles 48- how do I know what will wooble? Not all sounds wooble

Arpeggios 31- yeah, ok, I could find any lead sound and make it arp.

Pitch sweeps 14- ok- so I will need to find sounds that sweep. If I have to look for them, I may as well use my own Mod wheel or Cutoff/reso and sweep anything that would sweep.

Rhythmic stabs 12- again- what stubs?

Guitar skanks 6
Organ skanks 6

Synth FX 29- how do you offer Synth FX in MIDI?

Mix Sets 36- what are these?

So tell me the process. I import something in my DAW as MIDI- if it is a set- are these separate MIDI channels? And then what is my sound source? Motif? Does it have MIDI controllers that would tell Motif what sound it is? Please, clarify the process! Thank you.

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Posted on: December 25, 2019 @ 03:36 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

MIDI data is, of course, a lot more than note-on/note-off. I don’t have the Twiddly.Bits Dubstep MidiKit, and dubstep isn’t a genre of interest to me, so I can’t provide details concerning its operation.

The product description…
...provides some insight. For example “On the Yamaha platforms we also offer a custom Mix Voice for some of the ‘bass wobble’ parts since this is such a signature sound/part in dubstep.”

Perhaps members or MrMotif will be able to get into the specifics. During the holiday season replies might be delayed.

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Posted on: December 25, 2019 @ 10:51 PM
Total Posts:  1167
Joined  01-26-2007
status: Guru

Thank you for being here!

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