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Viewing topic "looking forGet motifated vol 1"

Posted on: March 18, 2019 @ 02:13 PM
Total Posts:  15
Joined  11-09-2018
status: Regular

also vol 3 as I own vol 2 but I saw vol 3 is available in the shop so will prob pick it up, but didn’t find vol 1 in the shop and I think I found one for like $40 + shipping online somewhere, so my main question is there anyway of getting these videos in download form? as I’m just going to be viewing them on my computer anyways

or maybe if someone has vol 1 and 3 and would like to sell them in a bundle?

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Posted on: March 18, 2019 @ 06:15 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

Keyfax is the owner of the Motifator site. They have downloadable versions of several videos.

Get Motifated Vol. 1 is at the top of this page:

Get Motifated Vol. 3 is near the bottom of this one:

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Posted on: March 19, 2019 @ 01:03 AM
Total Posts:  15
Joined  11-09-2018
status: Regular

woohoo! thanks 5pin

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