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Viewing topic "Using Toontracks drum grooves on Motif (MOX)"

Posted on: April 14, 2015 @ 10:01 AM
Total Posts:  542
Joined  11-01-2003
status: Guru

I’m curious about other MIDI drum pattern libraries, particularly Toontracks. Wondering if it is possible to use them in my MOX without the EZ/Superior Drummer software? I don’t interface w any DAW and prefer not to, but really crave additional realistic drum grooves.

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Posted on: April 14, 2015 @ 10:20 AM
Total Posts:  1055
Joined  07-01-2013
status: Guru

Hi muscarella,

You can, but you’ll need them as Standard MIDI files, which is fine if you can locate them as MIDI files anyway (perhaps from an existing EZX or SDX installation or MIDI expansion pack) otherwise you will need a DAW to convert them to MIDI files by exporting whatever you decide to use from them on a MIDI track, in your DAW.

The second thing you may run in to is that the Toontrack drum maps may not be quite the same as your MOX ones.  So you might not get a consistent sounding kit after loading them into your MOX and things may vary a little.

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