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Viewing topic "Playing sounds form Korg Kronos to Yamaha MO6"

Posted on: December 06, 2015 @ 12:34 PM
Total Posts:  5
Joined  12-24-2013
status: Newcomer

Hello guys!

First of all, sorry about bad english.

I have one question.

I want connect Yamaha MO6 and Korg Kronos, but using song mode. I connect MIDI cable with Kronos, and go to song mode, then I select Mixing. In the mix i use first ch and put volume to 0 in the MO6, then I have only Kronos sounds in the MO (i will change each sound right in Kronos). I save this like a templet and go to the voice (or perfomance mode), when I go back to song mode, the volume of first ch is 100, and I have Kronos and MO sounds togeather.

I guess that I do something wrong ?

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