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Viewing topic "Band-in-a-Box with PLG150VL"

Posted on: March 27, 2009 @ 03:10 AM
Total Posts:  57
Joined  08-07-2005
status: Experienced

Anyone have any success with addressing the PLG150VL from within BIAB? I follow the instructions carefully (MSB, LSB and patch #) but never seem able to get the PRESET 2 patches (which are optimized for Wind Controller use).

I get BIAB to fire the Motif Rack ES beautifully. And I can certainly use my EWI USB to play Motif Rack ES sounds along with those being driven by the BIAB material. BUT, I cannot get my THRU voice within BIAB to address the specific breath-control patches within the PLG150-VL that I can easily use directly without BIAB.

Any tips would be appreciated!

- OneWatt

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