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Viewing topic "MIDI Bank Changes"

Posted on: May 23, 2015 @ 08:54 PM
Total Posts:  3
Joined  05-23-2015
status: Newcomer

Hi guys, glad I found this forum!

I’ve had my MO8 for years and have found it a pretty tough nut to crack, so I’m trying to dig in and finally learn how to use it properly.

I can’t seem to get my MO8 to respond to midi bank changes.

I’m using Pro Tools and want the proper patches to load whenever I open the session or start the sequence.  Seems like it should be simple, but…

When I assign the patch in ProTools using the Patch Select button, a dialog box appears that shows all of my MO8 patches.  I can scroll through the different patches, and sure enough, the MO8 responds accordingly.  But only for the first bank of 128 patches.  If I select a different bank, the MO8 still only plays the original bank.  Right patch number, wrong bank.  (Bank never changes).

Is there a way to make the MO8 respond to bank changes?

Thanks for any help!


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Posted on: May 23, 2015 @ 09:08 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

The MO has to be sent both Bank Select and Program Change messages.


The Bank Select messages for the MO vary slightly from those in the support article for the XS. See the Bank Select table on page 62 of the MO Data List. If you don’t have it, the PDF is available here:

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Posted on: May 24, 2015 @ 01:20 PM
Total Posts:  3
Joined  05-23-2015
status: Newcomer

Thanks for the reply, 5pin!

It’s looking to me like the only way to set a track’s voice and have it recalled would be to insert a midi event for the bank change (Controller 32 set to, say 2), and a midi event for the program change at the beginning of the sequence.  (ProTools seems to disregard any attempts to insert a Controller 0 event, and it seems to work without it).

I was hoping a ProTools user might be familiar with whether there was a way to have the banks change in response to changing a bank in the patch selection window, but if manually inserting midi events is the only way to accomplish the goal, that’s not too much to ask.

Thanks again for the prompt reply, 5pinDIN!


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Posted on: May 24, 2015 @ 02:21 PM
Total Posts:  1055
Joined  07-01-2013
status: Guru

I can have a look for you mrwizzer, but it will be later on today or possibly tomorrow.

I’m pretty sure there is or was a bank select button in one corner of the voice list window.

Which version of Pro Tools are you using and on which platform?

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Posted on: May 25, 2015 @ 12:46 PM
Total Posts:  3
Joined  05-23-2015
status: Newcomer

Thanks so much, Philwoodmusic!

I’m using version 9.0.6.

There is indeed a bank select button in the upper left of the patch select window, and selecting a different option from that pull down window does exactly what it should, brings up a fresh page of patches that belong to that bank.  So it looks like things are working properly in Pro Tools.

The problem seems to be that the MO8 isn’t responding to those bank changes selected there.  The MO8 updates properly when you change the patches, but it doesn’t update to change to the selected bank.  : (

That said, it does change banks if I manually insert a Control #32 midi event, followed by a patch change event into a track’s midi sequence, (inserted in the midi event editor), so Pro Tools is successfully changing the Yamaha’s banks in that scenario, but I’m hoping to find a way to set the patch and bank within the Patch Assign window where I can audition tons of sounds the proper way.

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Posted on: May 25, 2015 @ 01:35 PM
Total Posts:  1055
Joined  07-01-2013
status: Guru


As 5pinDIN said, you’re always going to have to send both bank select and program change data no matter what you do.

A few things you might be interested in looking into.

In the top right of the patch select window, you should have a field for Controller 0 and controller 32.  (Both set to - by default)

What happens if you put your bank number in the Controller 0 field and leave the controller 32 field empty? (as a - )

This works very nicely for me.

You previously mentioned that using controller 0 didn’t work, but made no reference to leaving the other one (32) set as -.

Secondly, Pro Tools uses patch numbers 0 to 127 and some keyboards use 1 to 128, so you may need to manually offset them.

Check to make sure anyway.

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