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Viewing topic "Looking for Speaker Suggestion"

Posted on: September 03, 2011 @ 12:40 PM
Total Posts:  10
Joined  07-27-2002
status: Newcomer

I was hoping someone could help suggest some cost-effective external speakers. I am no longer a working musician and just like to noodle around with my keyboard in my office now.

I recently acquired an, “Old” ES8 and am getting sick of headphones. I was wondering if there are speakers that may be small in stature but large in sound that I could just set on a small shelf. Again, I play just for the joy of hearing the wonderful sounds the Motif has and do not play out any more.


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Posted on: September 03, 2011 @ 12:50 PM
Total Posts:  9999
Joined  08-18-2003
status: Guru

I got a couple of nEar05’s; cheap but far less than a good headphone.
I was advised Yamaha HS80M but I am used to switch
the whole studio on and off with one main switch (no BANG!).

So, I join you in your request.


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Posted on: September 03, 2011 @ 01:22 PM
Total Posts:  10
Joined  07-27-2002
status: Newcomer

The only thing I found that might fit the bill are the m audio av 40s. But honestly, I have no idea if they’re any good. Here they are on amazon:

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Posted on: September 24, 2011 @ 06:22 PM
Total Posts:  21
Joined  08-16-2011
status: Regular

Hi Wallix, Couple years ago I purchased on EBAY a pair of Logitech Z-2300, very good price under 100 dollars, they are 200watts and they put out wonderful sound, made for computers but I read somewhere on a players review about them, there great, probably have new versions out now.  JSnow

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